Category: photographs of recent events

  • Crop Walk 10/14/18

  • Ahn and Bodge visit

    July saw the return of two of our previous pastors.  Seongmoon Ahn and his family returned to celebrate his ordination with us, his first congregation. Sien and Soyune have a new brother since living in Chilmark.  Hasty photo doesn’t do them justice. Arlene Bodge joined us for worship another Sunday and the congregation was thrilled…

  • Teen Camp Meeting, 4/12/18

    First images in of the celebration are from one of the work shops. To come later:  the preaching, the beach worship, bands, dancers and more. Claire Ganz led a workshop on Flowers as prayer.

  • Lilavois School, Haiti

    Check this link to our page on supporting afternoon school at Lilavois School, Haiti.

  • 2018 Children’s Fair

    The troops gathered at 9 and set up the grounds.Pony Rides:Oscar the Grouch:Face Painting:Fishing:Ever popular cup cakes:New this year: Story Circle:Thank you, Julie, MV Horse Center,  Kim, Charlotte, Kylie,  Marie, Bella, Cindy, Ann, Emily, Sarah, Andy, Gabby and Carol!

  • Last “Pizza Night”…

    Tom Ruimerman did it again!  Huge amounts of Italian food . Absolutely delicious. Jane made a beautiful platter of vegetables.  Salads by Margaret and Joan and Emily..Chocolate Sauce and garlic bread by Pam.  Set up help from the Chilmark-housed Landbank  summer interns. Some Bananagrams after supper.  Great help breaking down too.  Thank you Julie for…

  • June 10 Thursday Strings Perform

    The Thursday music jam produced a string group that played at worship Sunday, June 10, 2018… Thank you, Emily, Irene, Jeff, Heidi, Pam and Charlotte! But it’s not all strings.  Rev. Charlotte played her Bb clarinet..It was a bit crowded in the back of the sanctuary..Emily couldn’t  draw her bow out for a long note.…

  • June 5 Neighborhood Convention: The Yard

    There was a good turn out to see the popular Yard appearance at the June Neighborhood Convention at Chilmark Church. If possible, the performances and explanations were even more inspiring than ever.  Artistic Director, David White introduces the Yard and invites all to enjoy the 2018 Summer Season.The dancers introduce themselves with gestures representing their…

  • Blessing the Fleet/Memorial Day 2018

    Down to the harbor for Sunday worship. The Coast Guard arrives.  Marshall ready to catch a line. (Thank you, Menemsha Texaco, for  your hospitality.) Thank you for joining us!   A great addition on shore too. Jamie Douglas calls the people to worship. Amazing Grace. Naming the boats and captains. Blessed with fog and wind and…