Every Memorial Weekend Sunday at Menemsha Harbor (by Texaco station) at 9am, we hold the beloved annual Blessing of the Fleet as part of our Sunday worship. We gather on the dock, read aloud the names of all the working, leisure and Coast Guard boats that call Menemsha their homeport, and pray for a productive season and safe passage.

Sunday May 26th at Menemsha Harbor (by Texaco station) at 9am. We will have the beloved annual Blessing of the Fleet – commerical, leisure and Coast Guard – as our Sunday worship (rain or shine). Mark Alan Lovewell and Molly Conole will be our musical guests (pictured). They sing, play guitar and other instruments, and tell tales of the sea through their maritime collection of New England sea chanties. Invite your family and friends to this wonderful community-wide service in Menemsha 9am Sunday May 26th. Refreshments and fellowship will follow. NO ZOOM.