Lay Led Worship

Our congregation was called into lay led worship during the interval when we were without a pastor.  We found it to be a blessing as it enlivened our own spiritual lives.  On the pages below we offer samples for others to use when they find themselves without  an ordained minister.

You can find other examples  of Worship Services  in the Orders of Worship Category in our Church Blog.

We found it helpful to say many of the prayers in unison.  We also tried to practice silent prayer during the service.

Sometimes we have a guest preacher, but usually we have a discussion, sort of a Bible Study, after the lectionary readings.  We take turns leading the discussion, though some people enjoy leading more than others. The leader studies the lessons using internet sites prior to the discussion but does not lecture or preach.  The leader might give historical context and some examples of commentary but the best part is just having the congregation respond to the readings.  It is amazing how varied our responses and interpretations are and all are enriching.

The lessons and worship aids can be found in the lectionary.