Category: photographs of recent events
Easter 2019
6:30 a.m. sunrise service at Menemsha. (photo by Kim Tharp) Sanctuary ready for 9 o’clock.Easter message ” In the Garden”.. Special music by Thursday Stings and Jeff Nelson. “Ave Maria” by Bella.Rain letting up..eggs ready to be found..The hunt begins.Coffee hour. Organist Carol Loud and soloist Bella. Sorting eggs.. Thanks to all who made the…
Here are some photographs taken by Susan Heilbron of the second of the three Sunday afternoon programs. It all starts with tremendous planning by Lia Kahler, a member of the church Outreach committee. The Bellimira group..played English Dance tunes. (photo by Sandy Moore)Ed Merck played bass recorder..Bach cello music. Haunting..Jan Heyer, accompanied by Phil Dietterich, played…
City Reach 2018
Also this weekend!!!!! “City Reach” , a program our pastor and teens visited, along with 28 Vineyard youth. They spent Friday night in Boston, visiting the homeless and distributing clothes they brought and food. Photo of the morning after..a debriefing.
Christmas Flea 2018
Tuesday night the elves gathered after community supper to make center pieces. Saturday, they sold at the Christmas Flea Market at the Community Center. Beautiful! The Church table was a great success! Good turn out for the vendors as well.
November 27 last Pizza Night
As in past years, Julie’s Tuesday Pizza nights ended with an amazing Italian dinner by Tom Ruimerman. Community Suppers, with a varied menu of hot meals starts Dec. 4 at 5:30.Thank you, Julie, for leading two months of happy Tuesday suppers!!
Rev. Steven Chambers 10/22/18
What a privilege it was to hear Rev. Steven Chambers this morning. No one slept through that sermon! It touched so many themes that we’ve discussed in the past year. We were really inspired. Thanks to Lorna for bringing him to the island this summer for the Teen Camp Meeting and for Rev. Charlotte for…
Crop Walk 10/14/18
Ahn and Bodge visit
July saw the return of two of our previous pastors. Seongmoon Ahn and his family returned to celebrate his ordination with us, his first congregation. Sien and Soyune have a new brother since living in Chilmark. Hasty photo doesn’t do them justice. Arlene Bodge joined us for worship another Sunday and the congregation was thrilled…
Teen Camp Meeting, 4/12/18
First images in of the celebration are from one of the work shops. To come later: the preaching, the beach worship, bands, dancers and more. Claire Ganz led a workshop on Flowers as prayer.