Category: Photographs of Recent Events

  • Easter 2013

    After an Easter Vigil Saturday night, with wonderful music by the Chilmark Church band ( Eunji on cello, Emily on violin, Carol on recorder and Seongmoon on guitar, Irene on violin and Bette on harmonica were away or sat out this performance), we celebrated Easter with special music by Sandy Bittermann Atwood.   Emily Broderick…

  • Cross Repair begun!

    The Saturday before Easter, a bright blue afternoon for taking down the dangling cross. Roy Riley and Mark Clements arrived with Mark’s truck. Roy starts the ride up. Slowly, adjusting so he won’t knock the steeple…. He reaches the top.. The cross is loose enough to pull off. The ride down begins.  He can see…

  • Local Talent fixes rattle!

    On a cold February afternoon, Bob Conway, Bob Hungerford and Clark Goff met to try to correct the rattle in  the organ pipes when certain tones were played. Bob Hungerford has worked on  pipes before. They succeeded in tightening  some of the fastening by which the pipes attach to the pins in the case and…

  • Christmas Flea!

    Ann Deitrich and Annette Anthony put on a Christmas Flea at the Community Center.  It was a great success!

  • “Sandy” got the Steeple Cross

  • October 13, 2012 Charge Conference

  • September 30 Organ Concert

    After a beautiful dedication ceremony at morning worship, 7 Island organists showed off the new Russell Pipe Organ.  Stephen and Carole Russell were in the standing room only audience to hear the fabulous sounds.  Phil Dietterich was the morning speaker and the expert member of the Organ Committee.  Chilmark Church is indebted to him for…

  • Bananas and Apples

    First Pizza Night of 2012 Some Serious Bananagrams And then there’s Apples to Apples

  • September 9, Lia Kahler’s “Heavenly Sounds”

    Thank  you Lia for a beautiful performance, thoughtful program, wonderful musicians, Lia Kahler,  Richard Gordon and Phil Dietterich. They played to a full house and Lia reached her ambitious fund raising goal with much work and a silent auction.