Category: photographs of recent events
Church buys new furnace for sanctuary.
Here’s a photo of the heat exchange on the old furnace that had to be replaced. Brennan and Co. installed the new one.
Walter Silva’s Burial
Prayer for Epiphany
From Worship on January 8,2012 God beyond our knowing, grant us today new glimpses of who you are and what you intend for us to be. The powers of this earth bow before you in humble adoration. Our lives are insignificant except as you enlist us to be a part of your eternal purposes. …
Christmas Eve
Sandra Bittermann Atwood tuning harp in church Saturday morning before the furnace went out. The harp was retuned in the cold later before the furnace decided to work and the congregation arrived at 5:30. Musicians warmed their hands as best they could and made wonderful music for the candle light service. Thanks to Sandy,…
Church Table at Community Center
Saturday, December 17 Kim Cottrill, Kathie Carroll and Emily Broderick put together a beautiful table of Christmas items for sale.
Dec. 11 Open Administrative Council Meeting
The congregation met to vote on a new mission project. There was a unanimous vote to support Connie Teixiera’s mission to the homeless on M.V.
Feb 21
Rolling Ridge Retreat Center
Click on link below for information about Rolling Ridge.
October 16, 2011
Chilmark Community Church October 16, 2011 Prelude in C from the Well-tempered Clavier Gathering and Announcements Peace Introit : p.328 “Surely the Sprit” Call to Worship Psalm 96, p.815 (no musical response) *Hymn 64 “Holy, Holy, Holy” Confession (unison) You know each of us by name, O God, and in your sight we have found…