Dear Members and Friends,
Come join us for the Fourth Sunday after Epiphany February 2nd at 9:00am, in person or Zoom. Rev. Charlotte will lead worship and Sean McMahon, Music Minister, will be offering his music this communion Sunday. The message will be “Prophet on the Edge” based on 1 Corinthians 13:1-13 and Luke 4:21-30. Luke continues the story of Jesus’ preaching mission in his home-town synagogue at Nazareth. The congregation was impressed with Jesus’ sermon, but their memory of him growing up in their town and working as their local carpenter-builder, devalued his words. Eventually they chased him out of town. Worship order attached. Sunday School during church, Zoom link below.
***Please take a moment and view the video “Celebrating 2024: A Year of Faith and Fellowship” on our church website
A heartfelt thank you to Heather Goff for her creativity and beautiful composition.
Also a thank you to Lynn and Violet and the pink truck crew for cleaning and professional pruning our patio greenery.

Rev. Janet Stoddard was warmly welcomed into the Chilmark Community Church on Sunday January 26th as the church members voted unanimously to confirm her as the church’s next minister. Rev. Janet, an ordained UCC clergywoman, grew up on a small suburban farm in Newington, CT and graduated from the University of CT in Storrs in 1984 with a BA in History. After some years working in the private sector and 3 years as Director of Christian Education in Southington, CT, she earned a Masters of Divinity from Andover Newton Seminary in 1999. Upon graduation she served as Protestant Campus Minister at Central Connecticut State University in New Britain for eight years, and concurrently as Chaplain at the Hospital for Special (elder) Care. Starting in the fall of 2020 she was called to pastor Elmwood Community Church (UCC) in West Hartford. She helped them decide over 4 years that closing was the appropriate legacy decision. It was there that she realized how much she enjoyed pastoring a small church and this brought her to Chilmark. “Reminding all people that they are God’s love embodied” is at the core of her ministry. She will be moving to the Parsonage with her dog Toby and starting her ministry with the Chilmark Church March 1. Charlotte and Don have decided to relocate to Western MA to be closer to her elderly parents. A huge thank you to the Search Committee – Pam Goff (chair), Sarah Carr, Kathie Carroll, Sam Hart, Ann Noyes – for all their prayerful and diligent work in bringing Janet (and Toby) to the Chilmark Church.
We share that Warren Henry Hollinshead, age 89, died peacefully and surrounded by his loving family on January 25th. He leaves behind his wife Marilyn of 68 years (he said “best decision I ever made”) and 4 children and their families. In retirement they became permanent residents of West Tisbury, joined the Chilmark Church and divided their time between the Vineyard and Lexington MA. Memorials can be given to Martha’s Vineyard Museum, beloved by Warren. May he be at peace and his memory be a blessing.

This Sunday February 2 at 5pm. Island artists and musicians join together to brighten the darker days of winter. Mark Lovewell and Molly Conole, Sean McMahon, Georgia Halliday, Adele Dreyer, Violet Southwick, Daniel Waters, Loon Lane Players with Warren Doty, storytellers, poets and other guests. Music, Candle Lighting, Reception, Free, All are Welcome! Help needed with baking and finger food reception. Claire will make soup! Pictures: Sean and Mark and Molly
We completed the conversion to heat pumps! HVAC (High Performance) started before Thanksgiving on the Parsonage and finished Church and Hall this past week. Insulation has been done for all 3 buildings with spray foam and a new vapor barrier in basements to “tighten the envelope”. Electric panels were all upgraded. Yes, the front will be repainted by the insulation crew after the “plugs” are finished for blowing in insulation!

- Sunday February 2nd 5pm – Offering of Music and Light and reception
- Sunday February 23rd 9am – Special guest preacher Rev. Vicky Hanjain
Invitation for Worship Service
Sunday February 2, 2025
Chilmark Community Church’s Personal Meeting Room
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