Church Blog


    On Sunday May 8, Dan Cabot is speaking on John Donne’s sonnet, exploring how a deeply religious person feels.  See poem below: Sonnet #14 by John Donne (1572-1631) Batter my heart, three-person’d God, for you As yet but knock, breathe, shine, and seek to mend; That I may rise and stand, o’erthrow me, and bend…

  • April 19 Pizza Night

  • Palm Sunday

    “To Whom the Voice of Children Made Sweet Hosannas Ring”..

  • Dear Abbey on April 9

    Impromptu concert by B.U. men.  Larsen Clan at Fellowship Hall.

  • Prayers From the Ark

    Below is one of the 7 prayers by Carmen Bernos De Gaszold that were part of a beautiful performance at the Chilmark Community Church on Feb. 27.  After each prayer, the musicians,  Phil Dietterich, Martha Child, Barbara Lopes and Dorian Lopes, played and sang a musical response. The voices and harmonies were wonderful.  The animals,…

  • February 27 ORDER OF WORSHIP

    Chilmark Community Church February 27, 2011 Prelude:  Invention #9 J.S.Bach Gathering and Announcements Peace Introit :  p.328  “Surely the Presence of the Lord” Call to Worship   Psalm 8 p. 743vs.3-9  (Response 1) *Hymn :  p.147  “All Things Bright and Beautiful” Prayer (unison) Love Divine, whose mercies are fresh with the morning and whose grace amazes…

  • Prayers from February 20, 2011

    Epiphany Seven O God of eternal light, we come into your presence because you have illumined the paths of our searching.  Accept us and meet us now, as faithful yet still seeking sojourners who must, this day, find sustenance for our journey.  Lead us into a fuller recognition of your Spirit which forever goes before…

  • Sunday, January 30

    Just a few highlights from the morning service: From  reading  Micah 6:8  ” and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” Unison Prayer God of the prophets, help us to recognize your voice among the competing claims of our day.…

  • CPR etc on Jan 22

    Free class for CPR and other first aid.  So many changes.  We learned a lot. Peter Tennant, Oak Bluffs E.M.T. , was  instructor.  Did you know “A. B. C.” “Airway  Breathing Circulation”  is now CAB,  Circulation, Airway,  Breathing.? Not shown are the dummies, adult and infant used for practice.