Church Blog
Neighborhood Convention 6/6/23
Memorial Day Blessing the Fleet
Thanks to all who helped make this a special service with their preparations and attendance!
Sunday Coffee Hour
Haiti update
Haiti is in crisis. There are zero elected officials in Haiti and no possibility to hold elections. The gang situation, risk of kidnapping, and insecurity has closed much of the capital of Port-au-Prince, including schools, but the crisis is affecting the entire country. There are 857 yearly kidnappings in Haiti, which is a country of…
April 16 Lay Led Service
Remarks by Marie Wise Doubting Didymus Based on John 20:19-31 Last week we celebrated Easter or the resurrec<on of Christ. We heard that Mary Magdalene was the first witness of our risen savior. She was not looking for that though. She had gone to the tomb to tend to Jesus’ dead body. Mary was alarmed…
Easter 2023
Beautiful by Phil Dietterich, organist and Violet Southwick, cellist.
pizza Night March 21
Lay member’s lesson for Jan 15 reading. Marie Wise touched our minds and hearts.
Baptism Dear Lord, I pray that the words I am about to give are the words you want your people to hear. I believe that each time I got confused about the message, you brought me back to the path. Please bless all attended here and may the find the message useful to their own…
Christmas Eve 2022