Author: admin
Church Table at Community Center
Saturday, December 17 Kim Cottrill, Kathie Carroll and Emily Broderick put together a beautiful table of Christmas items for sale.
The Properties of Light
December 11, Rev. Arlene Bodge used the following to illustrate her sermon about the Light of God: Light’s Characteristics are: 1. The nearer we are to the source, the brighter the light appears. 2. Light reveals: the brighter the light, the more revealing it is. 3. Light reflects more clearly from a clean surface.…
Dec. 11 Open Administrative Council Meeting
The congregation met to vote on a new mission project. There was a unanimous vote to support Connie Teixiera’s mission to the homeless on M.V.
November 13 Sermon by David Christensen
OF TIDES AND RHYTHMS Hebrew Scripture: Deuteronomy 30: 15-20 Psalm: Psalm 119: 1-8 Life is a gift from our God who is the author of all, the source from whom all things come and the Lord to whom all the world and its resources belong. Life is a gift and all that we have…
November 4 Organ progress.
Progress is slow but steady. We won’t have the organ for quite a while. The console and bench. Above, the beginning of the wind chest. Detail of top Miter.
Feb 21
BEWARE of strange communications from strangers. Our email account was hacked. Not only did they send everyone an Email asking for money for Ann, stranded in England, but they stole all the addresses and contact information. We are so sorry!
Rev. Richard Olson, October 16,2011
16 October 2011, Chilmark Community Church, Matthew 22:15-22 Grace be unto you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. It is a privilege to be worshiping with you this morning. I want to thank Pam for giving me a second chance to preach here. The first time I had another commitment.…
Rolling Ridge Retreat Center
Click on link below for information about Rolling Ridge.