Author: admin
Community Corrections
Saturday, February 11: If you got near to the Fellowship Hall you’d hear rock music playing and smell sausage or bacon and paint fumes in the air. Brian Kennedy and his crew of eight painters were in action. After a community breakfast, the Community Correction crew will be finishing the main room today and have…
Baby Organ Pipes
Top of Organ case
Organ Case construction
This is where the pipes go. Case Detail Case Detail Right side detail
Order of Worship January 29,2012
Chilmark Community Church January 29, 2012 Prelude: Sinfonia 10 J.S. Bach Gathering and Announcements Peace Introit: hymn 328 “ Surely the Presence of the Lord” Call to Worship Psalm 111 p.832 (no musical response) *Hymn 127 “Guide me, O Thou Great Jehovah” Prayer of Reconciliation: Holy and awesome God, your Son’s authority is found in…
Church buys new furnace for sanctuary.
Here’s a photo of the heat exchange on the old furnace that had to be replaced. Brennan and Co. installed the new one.
Walter Silva’s Burial
Prayer for Epiphany
From Worship on January 8,2012 God beyond our knowing, grant us today new glimpses of who you are and what you intend for us to be. The powers of this earth bow before you in humble adoration. Our lives are insignificant except as you enlist us to be a part of your eternal purposes. …
Christmas Eve
Sandra Bittermann Atwood tuning harp in church Saturday morning before the furnace went out. The harp was retuned in the cold later before the furnace decided to work and the congregation arrived at 5:30. Musicians warmed their hands as best they could and made wonderful music for the candle light service. Thanks to Sandy,…
Roof repairs, Saturday, December 17,2011
Roof repairs have begun to ensure that the new sanctuary ceiling doesn’t have new water damage. The roof is 22 years old and is showing signs of wear. Tearing off the old. The south roof is stripped and the ice and water barrier(better than roofing paper) applied. Description: “Strip off all old shingles…