Author: admin

  • 2014 Blessing the Fleet

      The children discuss what “blessing” means. Dan and Nancy Cabot read the names of the boats and captains…from trawlers to racing sculls. It was great to have a “full house” at Menemsha Texaco! Ed Rogers played wonderfully for us from “America the Beautiful” to “Amazing Grace” and Carol Loud played keyboard (she deserves a…

  • Arlene Bodge preached April 27

    Arlene brought her wonderful friends with her.  Jim Thomas sang an uplifting rendition of  “There is a Balm in Gilead” .  Susan Klein gave the children’s sermon which the adult congregation found riveting.  It involved two farmers and a lost calf and a stream and a fence, an itinerant carpenter who just happened to be…

  • 2014 Easter

    After  simple Good Friday and Saturday 30 minute services, Easter Sunday was grand.  Sandra Bitterman’s harp gave glorious luster to the service. The kids made “resurrection muffins”.  They heard a lot about the empty tomb. See the empty center of the “Resurrection Muffin”?

  • Pizza Night, April 8, 2014

    There was a good crowd Tuesday.  Soccer on the terrace.  Bananagrams  for the die hards and lots of conversation.  

  • Lenten Letter from Bishop

    April 1, 2014 My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ: Greetings in the precious name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. As we continue to journey in the Lenten season, particularly as we enter the Holy Week, I am sure that all of us reflect on many aspects of Jesus’s ministry and mission! Of…

  • Kimchi Cooking Class 02/13/2014

    Kimchi Cooking class… It was a great night to introduce 11 neighbors and church members about Kimchi which is a Korean traditional fermented side dish. Every one had a chance to make and taste it by themselves. And they took the Kimchi that they made home. Thanks to God for the beautiful night sharing Kimchi with our neighbors.  

  • Letter from D.S. Seok Hwan

    Dear fellow Sojourners and colleagues, Every Sunday, in every corner of the world, people gather to hear a story, story of life, love, hope and faith. For almost 2,000 years that story has been told and retold. That story, of a man called Jesus of Nazareth, a man who became Christ, was originally told by…

  • The Spirit of God Within Us (02/09/2014)

    The Spirit of God within Us 1 Corinthians 2:1-12 In his autobiography, Man and Rubber, Harvey Firestone tells an interesting little story which concerns Henry Ford, who was a close personal friend of Mr. Firestone. Thomas Edison, John Burroughs, Mr. Ford, and Mr. Firestone were on one of their summer camping trips, traveling by automobile.…

  • January 19, 2014

    Chilmark Community Church January 19, 2014 2nd  Sunday after Epiphany Prelude: Prelude #9 from the Well Tempered Clavier, J.S.Bach Gathering and Announcements Introit  “It’s Me, It’s Me, O Lord” 352 Call to Worship  : Psalm 40:1-11   p.774 *Hymn  “ Here I Am Lord”  p.593 Prayer of Reconciliation    by Martin Luther King (unison) O God, we…