June 12 Order of Worship

Chilmark Community Church
June 12, 2011
Prelude: Praeludium J.S. Bach

Gathering and Announcements
Introit p.393 “Spirit of the Living God”
Call to Worship   Psalm104:24-34, 35b p.826 no musical response
Children’s Sermon   children depart for Sunday School

*Hymn  p.2128   “Come and Find the Quiet Center”

Prayer      Let us bring ourselves into God’s presence  in silence.  (unison)
O Holy God,
open unto me
light for my darkness,
courage for my fear,
hope for my despair.
O loving God,
open unto me
wisdom for my confusion,
forgiveness for my sins,
love for my hate.
O God of peace,
open unto me
peace for my turmoil,
joy for my sorrow,
strength for my weakness.
O generous God,
open my heart
to receive all your gifts.

Proclamation and Praise

Acts 2:1-2
1 Corinthians 12:3b-13
John 20:19-23

Discussion :  Dan Cabot discussion leader.

*Hymn  p. 500 “Spirit of God, Descend upon My Heart” vs. 1,2,4

Concerns and Celebrations
Communal prayer
Tender and Compassionate God, you ask us to pray for all people.  Here we offer our prayers for our world in need, trusting in your great love. silence
Holy comforter, healing Spirit, grant your peace to those who are sick and those who grieve. Radiate through their lives with the light of your presence, that renewed health and strength may be theirs.
The Lord’s Prayer

*Hymn 95 “Praise God From Whom All Blessing Flow”
Prayer of Dedication (unison)
Holy One, whose heart abounds with gifts, receive this offering as a sign of our intention to live  surrounded by your mercy, inspired by your Spirit, open to the joy of your presence, hospitable to one another, and generous toward your world.  Amen. Edwin E. Beers

*Hymn 673 “ God Be with You till we Meet Again”
Benediction  (unison)
Let us serve our God with patience and passion,  be deliberate in enacting our faith, be steadfast in celebrating the Spirit’s power, and may peace be our way in the world.  Amen Rainsley  B.O.W.
Postlude  Andante – Mozart
Please come to Fellowship Hall to see “Enlightenment” on terrace.
Organist:  Carol Loud
Worship Leader:  Emily Broderick
Discussion Leader: Dan Cabot
“Enlightenment” by H.T.Chen and Dancers
Please join us for “Coffee Hour” after the service!



