Category: photographs of recent events

  • Carol Loud Memorial, July 18, 2024

    Carol Loud Memorial, July 18, 2024

    The memorial for Carol Loud on July 18 was a wonderful occasion with music and poetry and remembrances.  Phil Dieterich conducted a choir of the Vineyards’ wonderful singers, many of whom sang with Carol in the community chorus or knew her from the years she played the organ and piano at Chilmark Church.  Sarah Bayer played flute…

  • Children’s Church Fair 2024

    Children’s Church Fair 2024

    What a beautiful day dawned for this year’s Children’s fair! Many thanks to all of the volunteers who made it happen. Thank you, Julie, for the Pony Rides with the Pond view Farm Ponies. Thank you Sarah Shipway for manning the Fish Pond. Thank you, Claire Ganz and Sarah Laux for the Face Painting. Thank…

  • The Last Spring Dinner for 2024

    The Last Spring Dinner for 2024

    There is such comfort in gathering with community over pasta and desserts on a beautiful spring evening. Many thanks to Janet and Tom for preparing a pasta feast, and to everyone who brought supplementary dishes and desserts. The last spring dinner for 2024 was well attended and well appreciated.

  • The Blessing of the Fleet, 2024

    The Blessing of the Fleet, 2024

    The community and church members gathered this morning for the Blessing of the Fleet in Menemsha, Ma. As the service progressed, serenaded by the lovely vocals of Molly Conole and Mark Alan Lovewell, the clouds gently cleared. The sun broke through just as flowers were offered with prayers to the sea. After the service, while…

  • Claire shows off Sunday School Vase at pizza night.

    Claire shows off Sunday School Vase at pizza night.

    The vase is on its way to Featherstone Center for the Arts sale. The kids made it Sunday and will decide how to responsibly use any money earned.

  • Vicky Hanjian’s Sermon April 14, 2024

    Vicky Hanjian’s Sermon April 14, 2024

    “A Recognition Event”Chilmark ChurchApril 14, 2024Hosea 6:1-3Luke 24:36 – 49 We pick up the Easter story just after the folks who met Jesus on the road to Emmaus have shared their “heart-burning” experience of recognizing Jesus in the sharing of bread.  The word “recognize” is interesting: to know someone or something because you have seen…

  • Easter Sunday 2024

    Easter Sunday 2024

    Easter morning dawned a sunny day and at the Chilmark Community Church, both young and old celebrated the Resurrection of Christ.

  • St. Peter, a Saintly Supper 3/26/24

    St. Peter, a Saintly Supper 3/26/24

    Tuesday night, church and community members gathered for the last Saintly Supper of the winter 2024 season. The evening’s topic was Saint Peter, the Rock. Sean led those gathered in lively discussions about saints, sainthood, and Catholicism, as well as in soulful song. The dinner served was delicious! Many thanks to Sara Carr for the…

  • Pew News: March 22, 2024

    Pew News: March 22, 2024

    Journey into Jerusalem Dear Members and Friends- PALM SUNDAY WORSHIP  You are invited to join us for Palm/Passion Sunday March 24th at 9:00am, in person or Zoom. Rev. Charlotte will be leading worship along with Music Minister Sean McMahon. Nearly 2000 years ago, Palm Sunday marked the beginning of the last week of the mortal…