Russell Organ Company, Stephen Russell and his assistant, Larry Nevin, did the final work on the installation.
Bob Conway watches pipes being installed .
Shaping pipes before installation.
One hour till boat reservation…on goes the front panel of the wind chest.
Phil Thursday afternoon, studying the new instrument. Phil, member of the Organ Committee helped choose the instrument, a reproduction of a Russell organ played during the search.
Chilmark Community Church
8 Principal8 Rohrfloete4 Octave4 Gedeckt2 Super Octave1 1/3 Quint
8 Gedeckt4 Rohrfloete2 2/3 Nasat tc2 Blockfloete1 3/5 Terz tgPEDAL16 Subbass8 Principal8 Gedeckt4 Octave4 Rohrfloete
DERIVATION:Stop # Pipes I II Pedal16 Subbass*-Gedeckt 85 pipes 4 8-2 16*-84 Octave 73 pipes 81 – 81-44 Rohrfloete 49 pipes – 8 -1 1/3 Quint (c1-g54) 54 pipes – 8 -1 3/5 Terz (g20-d51) 32 pipes 4-2 8*-4 -*
1-12 Electronic.1 1-12 Common Bass from Gedeckt 8’ plus Rohrfloete 4’.2 Common bass from Gedeckt 8’.
5 ranks 16 stops 293 pipes 12 tone generators