Aug. 8 Order of Worship

Chilmark Community Church
August 8,2010
Prelude: Sisciliana by J.S. Bach
Gathering and Announcements
Peace   Let us turn to our neighbors and greet them with the peace of Christ.

Introit:  Sonata by /Don Ignazios Cirri
Call to Worship
The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love.
He does not deal with us according to our sin, nor requite us according to our iniquities.
What shall I render to the Lord for all his bounty to me?
I will lift up the cup of salvation and call on the name of the Lord.
*Hymn  103 “Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise”

Confession  (unison) Let us make confession to God in the silence of our hearts.
Silent prayer
Prayer for Assurance
God of love and mercy, in the quiet peace of morning we gather in this holy place to sing our praise to you and to be touched by your gentle Spirit. We offer grateful thanks for the gift of Sabbath rest and renewal.  We pray that through our worship we may be recreated in your likeness once more.  Let your cleansing Spirit enter our lives, that the shadows of our souls may be pierced by the brilliance of your Light.  Let our destructive thoughts be transformed into expressions of beauty, reflecting your uncompromising love.  We pray in the name of our Redeemer. Amen  James F.D. Martin

Proclamation and Praise
Bless we pray, our hearing of your word this day. Speak to each
of us; speak to all of us; and grant that by the power of your Spirit, we may be hearers and doers of your word.

Isaiah:1:1, 10-20
Psalm 50:1-8,22-23  p.783
Hebrews 11:1-3,8-16
Luke 12:32-40
Discussion of all the scripture readings

*Hymn  508” Faith, While Trees are Still in Blossom”

Concerns and Celebrations This is the time to name special blessings and we name those who are in particular need of our prayer.
Let us pray in silence.
Unison Prayer
Generous God, you grant us bread for our bodies and grace that is renewed every day.  In these uncertain times, help us to trust you more fully, living one day at a time, loving and serving as we can. Cheer our hearts with the knowledge that we are precious to you, as taught by your son, Jesus.
The Lord’s Prayer

Offering  May our morning offering be an act of gratitude given from a merciful heart.
*Hymn 95 “Praise God From Whom All Blessing Flow”
Prayer of Dedication (unison)
All things come of thee, O Lord, and of thine own have we given thee.

*Hymn “102” Now Thank We All Our God” vs.1&2

Benediction  (unison)
May the love of God, the grace of Jesus Christ, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be and abide with us all. Amen   2 Corinth. 13:14
Postlude: Bouree’ from the 3rd Cello Suite by Bach
Organist:  Carol Loud
Worship leader:  Emily Broderick
Reader/Discussion leader:  Dan Cabot
*Stand if you are able



