January 19, 2014

Chilmark Community Church
January 19, 2014 2nd  Sunday after Epiphany
Prelude: Prelude #9 from the Well Tempered Clavier, J.S.Bach
Gathering and Announcements

Introit  “It’s Me, It’s Me, O Lord” 352

Call to Worship  : Psalm 40:1-11   p.774

*Hymn  “ Here I Am Lord”  p.593

Prayer of Reconciliation    by Martin Luther King (unison)
O God, we thank you for the fact that you have inspired men and women in all nations and in all cultures. We call you different names: some call you Allah; some call you Elohim; some call you Jehovah; some call you Brahma; some call you the Unmoved Mover. But we know that these are all names for one and the same God. Grant that we will follow you and become so committed to your way and your kingdom that we will be able to establish in our lives and in this world a brother and sisterhood, that we will be able to establish here a kingdom of understanding, where men and women will live together as brothers and sisters and respect the dignity and worth of every human being. In the name and spirit of Jesus. Amen.
Silent prayer

The Lord’s Prayer

Children’s Moment

Lectionary Discussion    Marilyn Hollinshead
Isaiah 49:1-7
John 1:29-42

*Hymn  “Let the Lower Lights be Burning” words printed on bulletin.

Concerns and Celebrations

Leader: To God who welcomes all in love, let us pray for the good of the church and the concerns of those in need.

(Silent Prayer)

God of every land and nation, you have created all people
and you dwell among us in Jesus Christ. Listen to the cries of those who pray to you, and grant that, as we proclaim the greatness of your name, all people will know the power of love at work in the world. Amen.

*Hymn 95 “Praise God From Whom All Blessing Flow”

Prayer of Dedication (unison)
Perfect Light of revelation, as you shone in the life of Jesus,
whose epiphany we celebrate, so shine in us and through us and these gifts, that we may become beacons of truth and compassion, enlightening all creation with deeds of justice and mercy. Amen.

*Hymn   “Let There Be Peace on Earth” p.431

Benediction  (unison)
O God, you spoke your word  and revealed your good news in Jesus, the Christ. Fill all creation with that word again, so that by proclaiming your joyful promises to all nations and singing of your glorious hope to all peoples, we may become one living body, your incarnate presence on the earth. Amen.

Postlude : Andante by Maurice Greene
Worship Leader: Emily Broderick
Organist:  Carol Loud
Pastor: Seongmoon  Ahn
Next Week’s Lessons:  Isaiah 9:1-4;1 Corinthians:1:10-18; Matt. 4:12-23
*Stand if you are able


A few years ago, at the mouth of Cleveland harbor, there were two lights, one at each side of the bay, called the upper and lower lights; and to enter the harbor safely by night, vessels must sight both of the lights.
These western lakes are more dangerous sometimes than the great ocean. One wild, stormy night, a steamer was trying to make her way into the harbor. The captain and pilot were anxiously watching for the lights.
By-and-by the pilot was heard to say, “Do you see the lower light?” “No,” was the reply; “I fear we have passed them.” “Ah, there are the lights,” said the pilot; “and they must be, from the bluff on which they stand, the upper lights. We have passed the lower lights, and have lost our chance of getting into the harbor.” What was to be done? They looked back, and saw the dim outline of the lower lighthouse against the sky. The lights had gone out. “Can’t you turn your head around?” “No; the night is too wild for that. She won’t answer to her helm.” The storm was so fearful that they could do nothing.
They tried again to make for the harbor, but they went crash against the rocks, and sank to the bottom. Very few escaped; the great majority found a watery grave. Why? Simply because the lower lights had gone out. Now, with us the upper lights are all right. Christ Himself is the upper light, and we are the lower lights, and the cry to us is, keep the lower lights burning; that is what we have to do. He will lead us safe to the sunlit shore of Canaan, where there is no more night.

Chilmark Community Church
Seongmoon Ahn, Pastor

Chilmark Community Church

Brightly beams our Father’s mercy
From His lighthouse ever more,
But to us He give the keeping
Of the lights along the shore.
Let the lower lights be burning!
Send a gleam across the wave!
Some poor fainting, struggling seaman
You may rescue, you may save.

Dark the night of sin has settled,
Loud and angry billows roar;
Eager eyes are watching, longing,
For the lights along the shore. – CHO.

Trim your feeble lamp, my brother;
Some poor seaman tempest-tossed,
Trying now to make the harbor,
In the darkness MAY BE LOST. – CHO.



