May 8 Order of Worship

Chilmark Community Church
May 8, 2011
Prelude: #9 in E Major by J.S. Bach
Gathering and Announcements

Introit : #328 “Surely the Presence”  seated
Call to Worship
Today we celebrate our mothers, grandmothers, aunties, and all the women who have loved us.
Thank you God for giving us mothers.
We remember with deep gratitude all the ways they demonstrated their love for us.
Sometimes we did not understand them, but we know that God understood.
We take time to remember our mothers because a mother’s love is most like God’s love.
For their tears, for their hugs, for their wisdom, for their unfailing trust in our abilities, we give thanks today.

Children’s Moment
*Hymn  #  92 “”For the Beauty of the Earth” vs. 1-4

Prayer of Reconciliation  (unison)
Let us, in silence, remember our  short comings in being God’s people this week.
Open our hearts to your power moving
around us and between us and within us,
until your glory is revealed in our love of both friend and enemy,
in communities transformed by justice and compassion,
and in the healing of all that is broken. Amen.

Proclamation and Praise  Marilyn Hollinshead
Psalm 116:1-4, 12-19  p.837 no musical response
Luke 24:13-35
Let us pray:
Elusive God,
companion on the way,
you walk behind, beside, beyond; you catch us unawares.
Break through the disillusionment and despair clouding our vision, that, with wide-eyed wonder, we may find our way and journey on as messengers of your good news. Amen.

Hymn: #454 “ Open My Eyes that I May See”

“Sermon”  :    “Batter My Heart”  by Dan Cabot

Musical Interlude: To a Wild Rose Edward MacDowell

Concerns and Celebrations
Let us remember those who need prayer in the silence of our hearts.
Communal Prayer    Ruth Duck
O, God, most loving Parent, we thank you that you are not a faraway God, hidden in magnificence in the heavens; we thank you that you commune with us in the depths of our souls.  You know us through and through; you hear our prayers; you heal our sorrows.  Like a father you pity us; like a mother, you comfort us. Help us to live in childlike trust in you that we may be free to live with courage as your children on earth.  AMEN
The Lord’s Prayer

Offering   We give of our time, our talent and our treasure.
*Hymn 95 “Praise God From Whom All Blessing Flow”
Prayer of Dedication (unison)
Lord, out of your great love for us you, like a mother, have provided for our needs.  There is food for our tables, clothes to cover us, a roof over our heads and someone to love us.
For these gifts we are grateful.  Bless now, our tithes and offerings, we ask, so that they may be used to share your love. Amen.

*Closing Hymn #671 “Lord Dismiss Us with Thy blessing”
Postlude: Moderato Sebastian Scherer
Organist:  Carol Loud
Worship Leader:  Ann Deitrich



