January 16, 2011

The service was enriched further by poems chosen by Emily Broderick and a reading by Lorna Andrade of some of Martin Luther King’s words.  Lorna met Dr. King at her grandparents’ home in Boston. Dan Cabot led a lively discussion of the lessons.

Chilmark Community Church
January 16,2011

Prelude Sinfonia #11 J.S.Bach\
Gathering and Announcements
Introit  p.328 “Surely the Presence”
Opening Prayer
O God, our Guide and Guardian, you have led us apart from the busy world into the quiet of your house. Grant us grace to worship you in Spirit and in truth, to the comfort of our souls and the up building of every good purpose and holy desire.  Enable us to do more perfectly the work to which you have called us, that we may not fear the coming of night, when we shall resign into your hands the tasks which you have committed to us.  So may we worship you not with our lips at the hour, but in word and deed all the days of our lives: in Jesus name.  Amen

*Hymn  p.103  “Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise”

Confession  (unison)
God of grace and glory, we thank you that you judge us not by the perfection of our actions, but by our readiness to live boldly by faith.  Help us, as individuals and as a congregation, to trust you and follow where you lead, that in Christ your name  may be glorified in all the earth. Amen  R. Duck
Silent prayer
Musical Amen  # 898

Psalm 40:1–11 (UMH 774) No musical response.

Special Music Arietta Edvard Greig

Proclamation and Praise
Isaiah 49:1–7
1 Corinthians 1:1–9
John 1:29–42Is

Discussion :  Dan Cabot, leader

*Hymn  p.593 “Here I Am, Lord”

Concerns and Celebrations
Communal  Prayer
In the silence of our hearts, let us remember all those who most need God’s healing touch…….
Remembering Martin Luther King, let us pray  for those who work for peace in our world and for the justice that underlies worldly peace.  …….
Let us ask God to increase our numbers that we can share our love and the strength that comes from our worship together….
The Lord’s Prayer

Offering  We give of our time, our talent and treasure.
*Hymn 95 “Praise God From Whom All Blessing Flow”
Prayer of Dedication (unison)
All Things Come of Thee O, Lord, and of Thine own have we given Thee.

*Hymn  p.397 “I Need Thee Every Hour” vs. 1-4

Benediction  (unison)
May the blessing of God, fountain of living water, flow within us as a river of life.  May we drink deep of her wisdom.  May we never thirst again.  May we go through life refreshing many, as a sign o healing for all; through the One who is Life Eternal. Amen

Postlude Trumpet Tune Vivaldi

Please join us for coffee in fellowship hall after service.
Organist:  Carol Loud
Worship Leader: Emily Broderick
Next Week’s Lessons:Isaiah 9:1-4:Psalm 27:1, 4-9;                     1 Corinthians 1:10-18;  Matthew 4:12-23
*Stand if you are able



