Nov 15 Order of Worship

Chilmark Community Church
November  15,2009

Prelude:  “Prelude in C major”  JS Bach

Gathering and Announcements

Introit :  “O For the Wings of a Dove” Felix Mendelssohn

Call to Worship   Psalm 106:1-5 p.829 (no musical response)

*Hymn  92 “For the Beauty of the Earth” vs. 1,4,6


Confession  (unison)       by James T. Fatzinger
God, we have filled our lives with so many things that there is scarcely room left for each other and for you.  “There is no time!” we protest. “I know you’re busy,” we assume. Slow us down, God; forgive us our busi-ness which destroys our openness, our preoccupation which leaves us unaware of the gentle breeze of your Spirit, our self-absorption which makes us ignore the cries of our brothers and sisters.  And if we have not yet been possessed by your word of grace and acceptance, we pray that our ears may be opened to hear it now.   AMEN

Silent prayer

Word of Assurance

Proclamation and Praise
2 Corinthians 9:6-15


John 2:1-11; John 6:11; Acts 27:35

Sermon“Jesus Comes to Thanksgiving Dinner” Rev.Woody Bowman

*Hymn  694 “Come, Ye Thankful People Come”

Concerns and Celebrations
Let us hold these people in the presence of God in the silent prayer.

Pastoral Prayer
The Lord’s Prayer

* “We Give Thee But Thine Own” (inside back cover )

Prayer of Dedication (unison)
Holy One, whose heart abounds with gifts, receive this offering as a sign of our intention to live surrounded by your mercy, inspired by your Spirit, open to the joy of your presence, hospitable to one another, and generous toward your world. AMEN                          Edwin E. Beers

*Hymn  87 “What Gift Can We Bring”

Benediction  (unison)
Grant, O Lord, that what has been said with our lips we may believe in our hearts, and that what we believe in  our hearts we may practice in our lives; in the Spirit of Jesus.  AMEN

Postlude:  “Deus Tuorum Militant”  Grenoble Antiphoner

Organist:  Carol Loud
Guest Preacher:  Rev. Woody Bowman
Next Week’s Lessons: (interfaith Thanksgiving Service)  Food Pantry Offering
*Stand if you are able



