
Italicized readings, complementary to the standard reading, may be used wi
Lent Year CFirst readingPsalmSecond readingGospelArt & Prayer
Ash WednesdayMar 05, 2025Joel 2:1-2, 12-17
Isaiah 58:1-12
Psalm 51:1-172 Corinthians 5:20b-6:10Matthew 6:1-6, 16-21Art – Prayer
First Sunday in LentMar 09, 2025Deuteronomy 26:1-11Psalm 91:1-2, 9-16Romans 10:8b-13Luke 4:1-13Art – Prayer
Second Sunday in LentMar 16, 2025Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18Psalm 27Philippians 3:17-4:1Luke 13:31-35
Luke 9:28-36, (37-43a)
Art – Prayer
Third Sunday in LentMar 23, 2025Isaiah 55:1-9Psalm 63:1-81 Corinthians 10:1-13Luke 13:1-9Art – Prayer
Annunciation of the LordMar 25, 2025Isaiah 7:10-14Psalm 45
Psalm 40:5-10
Hebrews 10:4-10Luke 1:26-38Art – Prayer
Fourth Sunday in LentMar 30, 2025Joshua 5:9-12Psalm 322 Corinthians 5:16-21Luke 15:1-3, 11b-32Art – Prayer
Fifth Sunday in LentApr 06, 2025Isaiah 43:16-21Psalm 126Philippians 3:4b-14John 12:1-8Art – Prayer
Liturgy of the PalmsApr 13, 2025
Sixth Sunday in Lent
Psalm 118:1-2, 19-29Luke 19:28-40Art – Prayer
Liturgy of the PassionApr 13, 2025
Sixth Sunday in Lent
Isaiah 50:4-9aPsalm 31:9-16Philippians 2:5-11Luke 22:14-23:56
Luke 23:1-49
Art – Prayer
Italicized readings, complementary to the standard reading, may be used with, or in place of it.

    * “First” OT readings, read semi-continuously, follow major stories/themes, beginning in Year A with Genesis and ending in Year C with the later prophets. Italicized readings may be used with, or in place of it.* “Alternate First” OT readings follow the complementary historical tradition of thematically pairing the OT reading with the Gospel reading. Italicized readings may be used with, or in place of it.
    ** In a very few instances in the Lectionary, no Psalm reading is offered for reasons relating to the thematic nature of the Day.