The Chilmark Community Church is committed to serving our island community. We do this in a variety of capacities from dinners and festivals to offering our Parish Hall for rent as a location for classes, gatherings, workshops and meetings.

Community Suppers
The Chilmark Community Church offers a variety of meals throughout the year that are free and open to the entire island. It is an opportunity to gather for good food and cameradarie. Learn more.
Offering of Music and Light
In the darkest weeks of the year, the Chilmark Community Church offers a series of evenings where musicians, writers and other artists share their talents with the community, uplifting each other through a sense of connection and art. Learn More.

The Children’s Fair
The Children’s Fair is held 10-1 on a Saturday at the beginning of summer on the church lawn. It is for younger children with a Bounce House and pony rides and games and crafts. All are welcome. It’s free. Learn More.

Parish/Fellowship Hall Rentals
Our Fellowship Hall is available to rent by the community for private events, workshops and classes, and AA meetings. Learn more here about how we can host your gathering.

Chilmark Flea Market
The Chilmark Flea Market is free and open to the public. Organized by the Chilmark Community Church, the vendor fees contribute to the running and maintenance of the church. It is a widely popular market and hosts a variety of merchandise. Learn More.
Lobster Rolls To Go!
Lobster Rolls To Go is held from late June through late August from 4:30-6:30 0r when sold out. It is a fund raiser for the church. Lobster Rolls, and chips are sold at a good price. Brownies or cookies are extra. Learn More.
Blessing of the Fleet Service
Every Memorial Weekend Sunday at Menemsha Harbor (by Texaco station) at 9am, we hold the beloved annual Blessing of the Fleet as part of our Sunday worship. Learn More.