• “Footprints on the Path”

    This is a prayer spoken by Rev. Arlene Bodge at the dedication of a plaque to honor former selectman, Herbert R. Hancock. FOOTPRINTS ON THE PATH We are told that life is a journey and that we follow in each others footsteps.   Now, there are not so very many people that I would want to…

  • “Batter My Heart” by Dan Cabot

    See Poem and talk below: Sonnet #14 by John Donne (1572-1631) Batter my heart, three-person’d God, for you As yet but knock, breathe, shine, and seek to mend; That I may rise and stand, o’erthrow me, and bend Your force to break, blow, burn, and make me new. I, like an unsurp’d town to another…

  • Ministry in Ghana: Rev. David Christiansen

    Below is the sermon that Rev. Christiansen delivered at Chilmark Community Church on Dec. 5.  To contact him re. his work or how you can contribute email or phone at 860-751-0791.  Also posted below is a list of the work Carol and David did in 2010. December 5, 2010 – Endi – Good morning…

  • Reflections on Advent (from the sunny pew)

    yes, christmas is coming.  this morning at church the first candle of advent was lit by a beautiful young girl in gold slippers named Bella. it is the first week of advent, which means that its getting darker, colder, and more desolate – but instead of surrendering to the sense of terror and doom induced…

  • 23rd psalm “Japanese paraphrase”

    Sunday, the 25th, Rev. Bodge preached on the 23rd psalm with many insights and versions.  Here is one version that was very original. The Lord is my Pace-setter, I shall not rush; He makes me stop and rest for quiet intervals. He provides me with images of stillness, which restore my serenity; He leads me…

  • Commenaries on Lectionary for 2/28

    Commentary on Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18 This text reminds us all that being shaped into a faithful life is not about immediate gratification or even for our own benefit, but instead, living a faithful life is about leaning forward into the vision of God for the world even when the horizon extends far beyond our own…

  • A Good Lenten Sermon

    o Join to Listen! Day1 members enjoy the ability not only to download all our Day1 Radio content, but also create their own customized audio playlists. Queue up all the programs you like and listen with our easy to use interactive player while you work, browse the web or just relax. Sign Up To…

  • Liz Gude’s remarks

    Liz spoke about her 10 trips to Haiti.  She most often went as a translator for doctors, interpreting for them what the Haitian patient needed.  She was there last year and hopes to go next, but this year medical and construction workers are what are most needed. One of the great losses from the earthquake…

  • First Sunday after Christmas 12/27

    from the book Preaching and Reading the Old Testament Lessons: With an Eye to the New Elizabeth Achtemeier There are times in the life of the world or of a nation when one individual changes the whole course of history. Perhaps we might say that such a change occurred when the Emperor Constantine declared Christianity…