Category: photographs of recent events
Oct. 3, 2021
More Crop Walk
Martha’s Vineyard CROP Hunger Walk Registration is OpenCheck it out! Several of our fellow gleaners are involved in this event. Last year they raised $37,772. You can register as an individual or group to participate in the walk, or you can donate to the cause. Walk anytime you like between October 1st and 17th.All the info…
June 23. Waltz Night at the church
Thanks. to Virginia Stone for snapping this picture of “Thursday Strings” playing for friends and neighbors, some dancers but mostly listeners at our first Waltz Night. (Will add more pictures when available. Rafe Teller took more… waltz night short video
South East New England Organ Guild Visits
Spring Planting
Thank you, Virginia!
2021 Porch Flowers!
Welcome Spring. Goodbye Pandemic! T Thank you Virginia and Cliff Stone!
Advent Greens
Claire put out tubs of greens. Come take some for your Advent Wreath. Pastor Ernest put candles in the white box for taking also.
2020 Halloween
Claire Ganz getting ready for drive-by trick or treaters in front of church. Another Covid holiday adjustment. Happy Trick or Treaters
Tim found this photograph 2018 or earlier.