Category: photographs of recent events
Work Day, Oct 16
Painting Parsonage Trim
Prayer From Shantideva// St. Francis
FROM SHANTIDEVA May I be a guard for those who need protection, A guide for those on the path, A boat, a raft, a bridge for those who wish to cross the flood. May I be a lamp in the darkness, A resting place for the weary, A healing medicine for all who are sick,…
“Pizza Nite”, Sept 21,2010
Fun for all ages. OUTSIDE AND INSIDE…
Link to Gwen Mayhew’s Blog
Aug. 8 Order of Worship
Chilmark Community Church August 8,2010 Prelude: Sisciliana by J.S. Bach Gathering and Announcements Peace Let us turn to our neighbors and greet them with the peace of Christ. Introit: Sonata by /Don Ignazios Cirri Call to Worship The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love. He does not deal…
Billy Hancock’s Morning Prayer
Good morning God. You are ushering in a new day, untouched and freshly new,and here I come and ask you, God,if you’ll renew me, too.Forgive the many errors that I made yesterday; help me, dear God, to walk closely in Thy way. I am well aware that I can’t make it on my own. So…
July 10, setting up at Flea
Ted Box rolls in a little late.
Ceiling Repair
For posterity to see how the ceiling was rehung. These were taken after the new sheet rock was hung and the walls patched. It was very hot up there!
June, painting the sanctuary