Category: photographs of recent events
Ghana Update from Carol and David Christensen
GHANA MISSION STATEMENT We travel to Ghana as ambassadors of Christ’s love and join with our mission partner the Evangelical Presbyterian Church, Ghana to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with people of their churches, schools, and projects. Ours is a ministry of presence as we ask God and the leaders of the…
Boston String Quartet
It was hard to photograph the enthusiasm of the musicians and the audience. There was a wonderful audience, from young music students who got to speak with the musicians after the concert, to friends from Windermere on a recreational outing. The concert netted over $600 for our music fund.
Sept. 25 Order of Worship
Chilmark Community Church September 25th, 2011 Prelude: Invention #7 J.S. Bach Gathering and Announcements Peace Introit: p. 328 Call to Worship Page 799 Psalm 78:1-4, 12-16 (No musical response.) *Hymn p. 731 vs. 1&2 “Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken” Children’s Moment Confession (unison) God of our salvation, we falter before the demands of your…
Rev. Richard Olson
(Click here to read bio.) Richard Olson will be preaching on October 9. He writes: Sixteen years ago I moved to Edgartown with my beloved late wife Judith. She came to serve as Social Worker at Martha’s Vineyard Hospital. I had recently retired as pastor of Concordia Lutheran Church in Worcester. During my years here…
Lobster Rolls August 16,2011
Big crowd at 4:30. Wendy wasn’t mad.
Picures(2 out of focus) Coffee hour 8/7/11
After the lesson, budding architects!
July 31 Order of Worship
Chilmark Community Church July 31,2011 Prelude: Sinfonia 2 J.S. Bach Gathering and Announcements Peace Introit :#145 vs. 1 “Morning Has Broken” Call to Worship Psalm 17:1-7, 15 p.749 Cassidy Goff, reader Confession (unison) Let us, in silence, draw near to God. Silent prayer. Dear God, we pray to you for New Hearts: Thou who art…
July 3 Helen Stratford’s lyrics.
Helen sang the song below at the service this morning explaining, first explaining how she believed her music was a gift from God made evident first here on Martha’s Vineyard. In Yonder Meadows In these fields I’ve wandered, I’ve pondered, I have grown And my heart grows fonder, with each pasture I have known And…
Lobster Rolls, June 28,2011