Category: photographs of recent events
Ghana Update Spring 2012
GHANA UPDATE SPRING, 2012 Dear Friends- Carol and I want to share with you what is happening in our continuing “Mission to Ghana”. Recently, we returned after several weeks in Ghana as part of a time when we dedicated the Dr. Robert D. Everson Memorial Library at the Mawuko Girls Secondary School, Ho, I memory…
Faith of a cancer patient
Shared by a woman fighting serious cancer. In closing I want to share with you something I read from time to time. It encourages me as I walk through this cancer journey. I bet it will encourage you as well. This is a list of statements written by Bible teacher Priscilla Shirer. Say the…
Easter 2012
Easter Egg Hunt After Church
Native American Sunday
William Waterway played the flute at the service April 22. The music was transporting! William and Rev. Arlene Bodge William and Carol Loud
Order of Worship, April 15, 2012
Chilmark Community Church April 15, 2012 Prelude: Little Prelude in E flat minor J.S. Bach Gathering and Announcements Introit : Hymn 328 Call to Worship: Psalm 133 (UMH 850) *Hymn 548 “In Christ There is No East or West” Children’s Moment Confession : Let us , in the silence of our hearts, acknowledge all that…
Carol and David Christensen Return
Dear Friends – Happy Easter to you all- Carol and I have just returned safely from our latest Mission in Ghana. We were able to dedicate a library in memory of my cousin, Dr. Robert Everson on March 31,accompanied by his widow and our son, Eric We also shared in worship. brought food to a…
Shrove Tuesday Pancakes
Rev. Arlene at the Griddle
Community Corrections
Saturday, February 11: If you got near to the Fellowship Hall you’d hear rock music playing and smell sausage or bacon and paint fumes in the air. Brian Kennedy and his crew of eight painters were in action. After a community breakfast, the Community Correction crew will be finishing the main room today and have…
Order of Worship January 29,2012
Chilmark Community Church January 29, 2012 Prelude: Sinfonia 10 J.S. Bach Gathering and Announcements Peace Introit: hymn 328 “ Surely the Presence of the Lord” Call to Worship Psalm 111 p.832 (no musical response) *Hymn 127 “Guide me, O Thou Great Jehovah” Prayer of Reconciliation: Holy and awesome God, your Son’s authority is found in…