Category: photographs of recent events
Carole and David Christiansen Return
The mission this fall was a success. David and Carole are home safe.
October 13, 2012 Charge Conference
September 30 Organ Concert
After a beautiful dedication ceremony at morning worship, 7 Island organists showed off the new Russell Pipe Organ. Stephen and Carole Russell were in the standing room only audience to hear the fabulous sounds. Phil Dietterich was the morning speaker and the expert member of the Organ Committee. Chilmark Church is indebted to him for…
Bananas and Apples
First Pizza Night of 2012 Some Serious Bananagrams And then there’s Apples to Apples
Order of Worship, Sept. 23,2012
Chilmark Community Church September 23, 2012 Family Worship Prelude: Prelude in C major, J.S.Bach Gathering and Announcements Peace be With You And also with you. Call to Worship Psalm 1 p. 738, no musical response *Hymn 660 Verses 1&4 Children’s Moment After a moment of silence let us bring our selves into prayer: Prayer of…
September 9, Lia Kahler’s “Heavenly Sounds”
Thank you Lia for a beautiful performance, thoughtful program, wonderful musicians, Lia Kahler, Richard Gordon and Phil Dietterich. They played to a full house and Lia reached her ambitious fund raising goal with much work and a silent auction.
Godfrey Muwulya
Sunday, August 19, We were privileged to have Godfrey Muwulya from Uganda sing for us accompanied by his hand made instruments.
Lobster Roll Patrons August 7, 2012
Fine Dining in Chilmark
THE BREAD ALSO RISES by Rev. Dr.Rebecca Pugh
The Bread Also Rises A Sermon For The Chilmark Community Church Rev. Dr. Rebecca Pugh, Clergy August 5, 2012 Children’s Sermon: We are going to be reading John’s Gospel: the story of a time when the people followed Jesus, asking him to whip up more miracles for them. He has already turned the…