Category: photographs of recent events

  • 2013 Neighborhood Convention

    This year Chilmark  hosted Neighborhood Convention with a program at the Yard Dance Residence followed by a service at the church and bag lunch in the Fellowship Hall.  Sophia Anthony read an article from the 1908 Vineyard Gazette which described the Neighborhood Convention held that May in Gay Head.  People arrived by horse and wagon,…

  • Yard and Plant Sale

  • May 7 Pizza Night

    Over 30 friends tonight.  Glad to have some return from the winter away. Days are getting longer.  While the older people talked or played Bananagrams, the young enjoyed a warm spring evening. There was a project (after tag).. It had to do with grass and rocks… And it was peaceful.

  • Pizza Nights Tuesdays

    All ages enjoy Pizza nights, Tuesday at 6 p.m.  Bananagrams and running around afterwards, depending on your physical or  mental abilities.  All are welcome!

  • Easter 2013

    After an Easter Vigil Saturday night, with wonderful music by the Chilmark Church band ( Eunji on cello, Emily on violin, Carol on recorder and Seongmoon on guitar, Irene on violin and Bette on harmonica were away or sat out this performance), we celebrated Easter with special music by Sandy Bittermann Atwood.   Emily Broderick…

  • Cross Repair begun!

    The Saturday before Easter, a bright blue afternoon for taking down the dangling cross. Roy Riley and Mark Clements arrived with Mark’s truck. Roy starts the ride up. Slowly, adjusting so he won’t knock the steeple…. He reaches the top.. The cross is loose enough to pull off. The ride down begins.  He can see…

  • Local Talent fixes rattle!

    On a cold February afternoon, Bob Conway, Bob Hungerford and Clark Goff met to try to correct the rattle in  the organ pipes when certain tones were played. Bob Hungerford has worked on  pipes before. They succeeded in tightening  some of the fastening by which the pipes attach to the pins in the case and…

  • Nurturing Passionate Sprirituality

    Rolling Ridge Retreat & Conference Ctr.  NURTURING PASSIONATE SPIRITUALITY WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6, 2013 REGISTER TODAY!! register by 2/27/13 and receive a $10 discount. After 2/27/13: registration fee is $60 per person Rolling Ridge Retreat & Conference Ctr. 660 Great Pond Road North Andover, Massachusetts 01845 978-682-8815 You are receiving this email from because you…

  • Mary Jane O’Connor Ropp leads retreat.

    CLAIMING YOUR BELOVEDNESS on Thursday, February 28, 2013 from 9:30am-3:30pm Join Retreat Leader, Mary Jane O’Connor Ropp for this special day apart retreat.   “May God keep you safe until the wod of your life can be fully spoken”. These words from Margaret Fuller, a 19th century Transcendentalist and early feminist, invite us to ponder…