Category: photographs of recent events
July 5 Lobster Rolls
The place was buzzing even before official 4:30 opening. Great crew!
TUESDAY NIGHTS FROM 4:30-7 (OR WHILE SUPPLIES LAST) JUNE 21 -August 30 Generous Lobster Roll, chips and drink: $20 (The price of lobster has sky rocketed) Big, fresh baked cookies $1 (Remember Vineyard Sound performs at 8…a busy night in Chilmark) August 7, 2012
Children’s Fair 2016
A Perfect Morning! Pony Rides are the favorite. Thank you Bob and Irene, Bella, Fran and Julie. The Bounce House is great too. Peter did snakes on arms and stars on faces. Everyone was happy. Little ones liked to dip for ducks.Cup Cakes to custom decorate… Kim kept the cupcakes coming and the frosting…
Pizza Nights Come to Close
Thank you, Julie Flanders, for another great season of Pizza Nights. Vicky and Armen also, thank you for setting up, helping clean up and salads and grace!! Here come Lobster Rolls.
Blessing the Fleet Memorial Day Sunday
Photographs by Susan Heilbron. Tony Peak calls Menemsha to worship. Coast Guard Station Menemsha was represented. Carol Loud played the old portable key board among the coffee pots. Andy Goldman attentive from his electric car. Judy and a lot of others enjoyed the morning. Fresh from Fla. Rev. Armen Hanjian Rev.Vicky Hanjian on God calming…
Prayer from April 3, 2016
Resurrecting God, as we enter the season of Eastertide, may your enduring Presence remind us of the tidal qualities of your love for us. May your love break upon us as water upon the shore, molding and shaping us. May it expose us to new sharpness of vision. May your grace beckon to us the…
Christmas Eve 2015
Getting Ready
Kathleen Dorr , guest preacher
Ed Pierce introduced us to Kathleen Dorr who preached in June.
November 2015 Report
Chilmark Church – November 22, 2015 Endi- in the language of the Ewe people of Ghana West Africa – Endi – good morning. It is good to be with you this morning, Just this past Wednesday, we returned from Ghana after almost three weeks there. It was a busy and God blessed time for us.…