Category: photographs of recent events

  • 9/11 Remembrance 2017

    A moment of silence and the lowering of the flag and chiming of the engine bell framed the ceremony at the Chilmark Fire House. After silence,  Pastor Charlotte and Chief Norton read prayers.

  • Sept. 10 Coffee Hour

    We were so happy to have some  September Friends with us. Back lit by the door…. Special:  Mary Margaret and Rodger Tracy visit Pastor Wright.

  • A Day at the Flea

    For some of us, it’s all about parking one more car. There were plenty of customers.     We tried to keep everyone happy.


    Work by Seth Gauley. Before:  Shingles falling off wall.  Wrinkled surface.   The back is yet to be done but looks the same.                 Close up of stripped wall.   Antique horizontal boards.   SHINGLES STRIPPED HORIZONTAL SIDING “Tyvek” applied NEW SHINGLES, READY TO PAINT.

  • Neighborhood Convention 6/6/17

    Dancers in the Sanctuary: After the performance by the Yard in the sanctuary, all was ready for the bag lunch.  Arlene, we think you’d approve.

  • 5/28/17 Menemsha

    Portraits by Susan HeilbronTony Peak called Menemsha to the Blessing of the Fleet and Memorial Day Service Greeting Tony, Tim Coast Guard, Von Desonnek, Gonsales and Hughes at attention.Twins get ready to place their flags. Vicky talked about meaning of “Blessing”.Menemsha Texaco was essential.Judy not pictured, in car. Lia sang “This is My Land”Armen blessed…

  • May 21, 2017

    Spring Work Day, Work done with spirit!It always starts with the terrace.  Gabby was on it! Genc was also dedicated to the terrace.  Vicky took a break from preparing lunch to weed . Claire and Emily weeded all the beds on the sunny side of the Ed. Building. Chris and Danny dragged weeds and clippings…

  • After the Egg Hunt

    4/16/17 After a sunrise service, a breakfast, a 9 o’clock service and an egg hunt..A picture to remember Easter morning.  A joyful day!

  • February 14../17 Tuesday Supper

    Everyone had plenty and looks what’s left…Shepherd’s pie, peppers and sausage, frittata,   American chop suey, chili bean soup with roasted kernels of corn, salad, bread.. Desert was Valentine fluff( cherries and whipped cream and pineapple) and undercooked brownies, ice cream and home made sugar cookies. Bananagrams after supper.  Good company.