Church Blog

  • “off the Beaten Path” , June 1,2019

    Off The Beaten Path (or The Spiritual Practice of Getting Lost) Chilmark Community Church June 2, 2019                   Genesis 12:1         Numbers 10:11-12               Luke 4: 1-14 Rev. Vicky Hanjian                …

  • May 26 Blessing of the Fleet/Memorial Day

    Blessing of the Fleet May 26,2019 Memorial Day Weekend Menemsha Harbor Chilmark Community Church Rev. Vicky Hanjian This is perhaps the 3rd time I have been involved with a service of Blessing The Fleet. Each time I prepare for this ritual, I become aware of the gift of grace of living in an environment where…

  • May 19, 2019 Farewell

    This was Rev. Dr. Charlotte Wright’s last Sunday in our pulpit.After our formal farewell in the sanctuary, there was a bountiful reception in the Hall with every great cook in the church contributing fabulous food. Charlotte got somethings to remember us by:  a tree planted in a national forest,  a doggy Thank You card and, she…

  • Confirmation

    Gabriella Faith Carr was confirmed this morning, May 12, 2019.  Asking and answering The Questions…Congregation responded too..WE love her and appreciate her joining the church as an adult.Rev. Charlotte Wright blessing her.Emily Broderick, lay leader gives gifts from the church.We’re so lucky to have this young woman as part of the church family!

  • D.S. May Monthly Devotional

    May Devotional

  • Easter 2019

    6:30 a.m. sunrise service at Menemsha. (photo by Kim Tharp) Sanctuary ready for 9 o’clock.Easter message ” In the Garden”.. Special music by Thursday Stings and Jeff Nelson. “Ave Maria” by Bella.Rain letting up..eggs ready to be found..The hunt begins.Coffee hour. Organist Carol Loud and soloist Bella. Sorting eggs.. Thanks to all who made the…

  • Prodigal Parent

    synonyms for “Prodigal”..generous, lavish, liberal, unstinting,unsparing , bountiful… Also , as with the ” prodigal son”  ..wastefully extravagant. Rev. Charlotte shared this poem written by her friend,..Maren Tirabassi Maren Tirabassi Prayer for a parent when a prodigal departs (Somehow, I thought I knew all the turns and twists of this parable, but God always has…

  • Letter from Bishop’s Cabinet


  • Introducing Rev. Ernest Belisle

    Dear Members and Friends of Chilmark Community United Methodist Church, Grace and peace to you and yours, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ whom we worship and serve as members of his Body, the Church! My name is Ernest Belisle. I was appointed to be your new pastor as of July 1, 2019,…