Church Blog
April 5 ZOOM service
Please join us in zoom worship together. April 5 was lots of see each other. The meeting number is 890 298 4151 and this week the password was 332743. The meeting number will be the same next week, Easter, but we’re not sure about the password. Email us at if you need help…
Home meditation March 29,2020
Chilmark Community Church March 29, 2020, Fifth Sunday in Lent Rev. Ernest Belisle, Pastor Opening Prayer: O God, source of all life, we thank you for your abiding presence. Sometimes life seems unbearable and we struggle with the burdens of life and death. We try desperately to be in control. Set us free, in…
March 15, Worship from Home
Chilmark Community Church Sunday, March 15, 2020 Third Sunday in the Lenten Season “In nearness shall Thy voice be heard; Spirit to spirit Thou doth speak.” (Alfred Henry Vine) Scripture Reading for the day is from St John 4: 5-42 We are happy you are reading, reflecting and worshiping from home. Our Scripture…
March 22, 2020 Worship from Home
Chilmark Community Church Sunday, March 22, 2020 Fourth Sunday in the Lenten Season “Through the night of doubt and sorrow, on ward goes the pilgrim band; Singing songs of expectation, marching to the promised land.” (Bernhardt Ingemann, translated by Sabine Baring-Gould) Scripture Reading for the day: St John 9:1-41 Welcome to the Chilmark Community…
Rear wall Sanctuary gets new shingles.
They were very tired old shingles that came off easily.Seth Gauley did the wall around the corner a few years ago and returned to tackle this high wall.Shingle by shingle the wall turned gold.Finished Wednesday practically in the dark.Thank you, Seth. The photographs don’t quite capture how high that peak is.
February 2020 Bishop’s message
Feb. 1, 2020 Dear Beloved in Christ: Greetings in the precious name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. A few weeks ago, 16 youth and eight adults returned from India, having taken part in the Mission of Peace sponsored by the Northeastern Jurisdictional Youth Ministries. These annual pilgrimages were born out of the vision cast by the late Bishop…
Rolling Ridge Taize
For Christians, Advent and Lent are typically seasons of spiritual preparation. For years, Rolling Ridge has offered an Advent Quiet Day to prepare hearts for Christmas with a core of regulars who find rest amid the holiday hustle and bustle. Last year, we offered our first Taizé Lenten Retreat, and were so blessed by the…
November 26 Italian Night
Tom Ruimerman once more produced the grand finale to the Pizza Night season. (People always look awkward apologies)..but there were 4 tables of happy eaters.Many thanks to Julie Flanders for fetching pizza from Rocco’s in her nifty red insulated bag for the past many Tuesdays. Onward to 5:30 pm Tuesday “Community Suppers”. From soup…
The Widow and the bad Judge 10/20/19
Today’s reading from the Holy Scriptures tells of the unjust Judge. As the Parable goes there was a judge who answered only to himself, couldn’t give a rip about spiritual things and worst still did not care one hoot about or for the poor widow. Mosaic Law prescribed that the husband’s immediate family and the…