Church Blog

  • Haiti School Community Update 6/2020

    In Haiti, Mother’s Day is the last Sunday of May, so this year, it was last weekend on May 31st. Usually there is a big production at the Filles de Marie Reine Immaculèe school that the Chilmark Community Church sponsors in Lilavois, Haiti.  All the parents come to watch the kids put on performances that they…

  • May 27,2020 MV Times letter to editor..Arlene Bodge

      The very day I am starting to write this little note, my wife and I were scheduled to fly to the States, ride the bus to Woods Hole, and hopefully catch the last ferry for our yearly six-week visit to the Vineyard. Somehow, this fact has brought us to reminisce about the many experiences…

  • A Taize of Thanks from Rolling Ridge

    This is beautiful music.  Recommend.

  • June meditation from DS Foster

    Hello RISEM Clergy & Laity, The following devotions are taken from the book, The One Year Praying the Promises of God by Cherri Fuller and Jennifer Kennedy Dean. I pray these devotions will increase your hunger for God’s Word. JUNE 2020 Pure Promises The LORD’S promises are pure, like silver refined in a furnace, purified…

  • D.S.Foster’s Mothers Day Prayer

    A Mother’s Day Prayer… “Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him.” Psalm 127:3 (NLT) “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you; Before you were born, I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations.” Jeremiah 1:5 (N KJV) Gracious God, As this new day unfolds, I want to pause…


    When our onsite operations closed in mid-March, Rolling Ridge quickly launched online programming to provide spiritual resources to support our community during these unprecedented times. Our weekly “Take Your Time Tuesday” videos have been part of this gift, along with numerous online retreats to keep you centered in your faith and to remind you that you are not alone.…

  • Rolling Ridge Tuesday Meditation

      The daffodils have begun to bloom at Rolling Ridge.  Spring has sprung.  And while the sounds of birds now fill the air, the house and grounds are quiet as we like everyone else wait for the good news that the darkness of COVID-19 has passed and our doors can open again.  During these times…

  • April 5 Liturgy

     Back 1 Palm Sunday Worship Outline Chilmark Community Church April 4, 2020, Palm Sunday Rev. Ernest Belisle, Pastor Thought for the week Jesus makes his way to Jerusalem to face the cross to show how much he loves you and me! Welcome Pastor RECOGNITION OF VISITORS  NOTICES & ANNOUNCEMENTS Intension of today’s worship: Pastor *Call…

  • Home Worship March 29

    Dear Members and Friends of Chilmark Church, Grace and Peace in the name of Jesus the Christ! Permit me to invite you to practice “Home Worship” with us from the comfort of your home! Your presence does matter. How are you doing and how are you bearing up under social distancing, mixed messaging and uncertainty,…