Author: admin

  • Craft Nights

    Kim and Linda have been leading Wednesday  Craft Nights in Feb. and March, making a variety of items for next year’s Christmas sale.  Cheerful way to spend a long winter night!

  • Comcast installs internet service for church office.

  • Aid for Chile Earthquake victims

    The Methodist church is responding to needs in Chile through UMCOR ( United Methodist Committee on Relief) See below for more information: Financial support can be made to Chile Emergency Advance # 3021178. Gifts can also be made by check to UMCOR and mailed to UMCOR, PO Box 9068, New York, NY 10087. For local…

  • Commenaries on Lectionary for 2/28

    Commentary on Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18 This text reminds us all that being shaped into a faithful life is not about immediate gratification or even for our own benefit, but instead, living a faithful life is about leaning forward into the vision of God for the world even when the horizon extends far beyond our own…

  • Feb 28,2010 Order of Worship

    Chilmark Community Church Feb.28,2010 Prelude: Choral Prelude Johann Walther Gathering and Announcements Introit: How Beautiful Shines the Morning Star J S Bach Peace  Let us greet each other with the Peace of God. Call to Worship   Psalm 27 p. 758 (no musical response) *Hymn  142 “If Thou But Suffer God to Guide Thee” v. 1,2.…

  • Chilmark, Wiltshire, UK Blog site

    Good Afternoon, I have started writing and running blogs for Chilmark Village, Wiltshire, in the UK. Perhaps our lovely community should keep more in touch on a regular basis with yours! We really look forward to making contact. My Kindest Regards . . . . . Paul Our blogs are: and

  • A Good Lenten Sermon

    o Join to Listen! Day1 members enjoy the ability not only to download all our Day1 Radio content, but also create their own customized audio playlists. Queue up all the programs you like and listen with our easy to use interactive player while you work, browse the web or just relax. Sign Up To…

  • Liz Gude’s remarks

    Liz spoke about her 10 trips to Haiti.  She most often went as a translator for doctors, interpreting for them what the Haitian patient needed.  She was there last year and hopes to go next, but this year medical and construction workers are what are most needed. One of the great losses from the earthquake…

  • Order of Worship Feb. 21

    Chilmark Community Church February 21,2010 First Sunday in Lent Prelude: Prelude #1 from the Well Tempered Clavier J.S. Bach Gathering and Announcements Peace Introit: Ave Verum Mozart Call to Worship Psalm 91  page 810 (no musical response) *Hymn  117 “O God, Our  Help in Ages Past” A Prayer After the Earthquake in Haiti  (responsively) Lord,…