Author: admin

  • May 23, 2010 Order of Worship

    Chilmark Community Church May 23, 2010 Prelude: My Heart Ever Faithful, from the Pentecost Cantata J.S. Bach Gathering and Announcements Peace Introit:Adagio Mozart Call to Worship   (responsively) Jesus said “ I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate to be with you forever. This is the Spirit of truth, whom the…

  • May 1 Steeple Repair Finished

    It’s rained and blown and we are leak free!  Work came in as estimated at $3800. Bell Repairs will begin any day.

  • Thursday Prayer Service

    CHILMARK COMMUNITY CHURCH Prayer Service Enter in silence: (bell) Song #2118 Holy Spirit, Come to Us (repeat ) Centering Silence (3 minutes) (bell) Let us name those  who we  want to bring into God’s presence, those ill, worried, bereaved. (after each name, spend  a moment“in prayer for the person or situation” Song #2054 Nothing Can…

  • 23rd psalm “Japanese paraphrase”

    Sunday, the 25th, Rev. Bodge preached on the 23rd psalm with many insights and versions.  Here is one version that was very original. The Lord is my Pace-setter, I shall not rush; He makes me stop and rest for quiet intervals. He provides me with images of stillness, which restore my serenity; He leads me…

  • April 15 Newsletter

    Chilmark Community Church NEWSLETTER , APRIL 15, 2010 We’re just about at the end of our first quarter since we’ve had Arlene as Pastor.  We have been blessed, indeed, with all she brings to our church family, her love, candor, energy and affability.  This is just to touch base with all of you to be…

  • April 18 Order of Worship

    Chilmark Community Church April 18, 2010 Prelude: Sinfonia #10 J.S.Bach Gathering and Announcements Peace  Let us greet each other with the peace of the Lord. Introit:  Simple Melody from an Ancient Air Call to Worship Ascribe to the Lord glory and strength. To the one seated on the throne and to the Lamb be blessing…

  • Eric Cottle’s service

    Eric Cottle will be buried at Abel’s Hill Cemetery at 2 pm Thursday, April 8. A reception will follow at the Parish Hall at the rear of the Chilmark Community church. The family has requested that, in lieu of flowers, donations be given to the Menemsha Fisheries Development Fund, PO Box 96; Menemsha , MA,…

  • April 3. Steeple Repairs.

  • Feb 7 Order of Worship

    CHILMARK COMMUNITY CHURCH, UNITED METHODIST EPIPHANY 5 February 7, 2010 ********************************************* THE GATHERING TOGETHER Prelude- in B minor, Chopin Carol Loud, organist WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS: Let us greet one another with the peace of Christ. Introit: Variation 19, J.S. Bach *CALL TO WORSHIP Leader: Help us through this hour of worship, People: to become more…