Author: admin

  • November 28, 2010

    Chilmark Community Church November 28, 2010 Prelude: Prelude in C major J.S.Bach Gathering and Announcements Peace Introit: O rest in the Lord (from Elijah) Mendelssohn Lighting the Advent Candle After candle is lit: Unison Prayer Dear God of the Prophets, give us this day the prophetic word of hope, that in the moments of despair…

  • 1910 Moving Scars

    When the church was scraped the seam where the church was cut in 1910  to be moved became prominent. It looks as if they cut off the columns at the top to move it also. Some rotten wood was removed for repair revealing that the columns are purely decorative, not actually weight bearing at all.

  • November 5, 2010

    Our organ project is next in line for Stephen and Carol Russell. We stopped for a quick look at  Russell Organ Company on November 5 . There was a drawer with pieces cut out for some of our pipes. A few of our pipes have been rolled. Pipes are made of several different materials. This…

  • Window repair, Nov. 2010

  • Oct. 31,2010 Order of Worship

    CHILMARK COMMUNITY CHURCH ALL SAINTS SUNDAY October 31, 2010 ********************************************** THE GATHERING TOGETHER Prelude: “Prelude in F”, Francis Linley Organist: Carol Loud Welcome and Announcements *Greet one another with words of peace and love. Introit: hymn #328 “Surely the Presence …) *CALL TO WORSHIP: Leader: For all those who have paved the way for our…

  • Scraping the church.

  • Charge Conference 2010

  • Heifer International Dedication

    The church collected $260 for Heifer International.  The children chose to give rabbits, hens and a goat to people in need.

  • Work Day, Oct 16

    Painting Parsonage Trim