Author: admin

  • Message from Helen

    the mystery of love. the mystery of love. the mystery of love. thank you – and the entire parish – for imparting such a sense – and welcoming all to partake…

  • Helen’s song on kindness

    sometimes all it takes to pull us through is a smile – from you a simple tenderness to remember us to whats true a little kindness to remind us what the heart can do… She describes the setting for the song: every morning at about nine thirty i walk past tomkins square park, where the…

  • Painting interupted by cold.

    The church front  has been scraped, primed, and received one coat of finish paint.  Another coat of finish will be applied when the temperature is warmer.

  • Prayers from the 4th Sunday in Advent

    During this season of light, allow us to see your light.                                                        During this season of carols, may there be a song in our hearts.        …

  • A sermon on Third Sunday in Advent

    This was shared by a member of  Rev. Bloch’s church in Port Townsend, WA Isaiah 35:1-10 Elizabeth Bloch Canticle 15 12/12/10 James 5:7-10 Advent 3 Matthew 11:2-11 Year A Lighting Candles in the Dark It was dark in John’s prison, all right, darker and darker in Herod’s fateful jail on the shores of the Dead…

  • Third Sunday in Advent from the “sunny pew”

    As we venture into the third week of advent, the elements of winter -– that seem so antithetic and threatening to life – expand the parameters of their reign.  We are venturing – as Joseph Conrad might say – into The Heart of Darkness.  I am struck in the readings by the relationship that is…

  • 2nd Sunday in Advent (From the sunny pew)

    sometimes the universes dispatches angelic ambassadors.  sometimes it provides signs that renew our strength and replenish the sense of endurance and fortitude we need to continue.  sometimes it sends assurance that the sense of salvation and redemption we are seeking is on its way.  just as there are forebodings, warnings, and omens,( that can seem…

  • Ministry in Ghana: Rev. David Christiansen

    Below is the sermon that Rev. Christiansen delivered at Chilmark Community Church on Dec. 5.  To contact him re. his work or how you can contribute email or phone at 860-751-0791.  Also posted below is a list of the work Carol and David did in 2010. December 5, 2010 – Endi – Good morning…

  • Reflections on Advent (from the sunny pew)

    yes, christmas is coming.  this morning at church the first candle of advent was lit by a beautiful young girl in gold slippers named Bella. it is the first week of advent, which means that its getting darker, colder, and more desolate – but instead of surrendering to the sense of terror and doom induced…