Author: admin
Blessing the Fleet 6/5/11
Rev. Arlene Bodge and Chief Jason Olsen and some crew from Coast Guard Station Menemsha. The Children got their instructions.
May 28 Yard and Plant Sale
Pizza Night, May 24 Spring At Last!
Tag. You’re it.
May 8 Order of Worship
Chilmark Community Church May 8, 2011 Prelude: #9 in E Major by J.S. Bach Gathering and Announcements Peace Introit : #328 “Surely the Presence” seated Call to Worship Today we celebrate our mothers, grandmothers, aunties, and all the women who have loved us. Thank you God for giving us mothers. We remember with deep gratitude…
“Batter My Heart” by Dan Cabot
See Poem and talk below: Sonnet #14 by John Donne (1572-1631) Batter my heart, three-person’d God, for you As yet but knock, breathe, shine, and seek to mend; That I may rise and stand, o’erthrow me, and bend Your force to break, blow, burn, and make me new. I, like an unsurp’d town to another…
On Sunday May 8, Dan Cabot is speaking on John Donne’s sonnet, exploring how a deeply religious person feels. See poem below: Sonnet #14 by John Donne (1572-1631) Batter my heart, three-person’d God, for you As yet but knock, breathe, shine, and seek to mend; That I may rise and stand, o’erthrow me, and bend…
April 19 Pizza Night
Palm Sunday
“To Whom the Voice of Children Made Sweet Hosannas Ring”..
Dear Abbey on April 9
Impromptu concert by B.U. men. Larsen Clan at Fellowship Hall.