Author: admin

  • Blessed are the Peace Makers by Sherry Thomas

    Blessed are the peacemakers   All politics is local, or so we were told by Tip O’Neill, the 34 year veteran of the House of Representatives who served his Cambridge district with a keen understanding of human nature. Here on Martha’s Vineyard, all news is local, or so I was told by Dick Reston, when…

  • Ghana Update

    GHANA UPDATE FALL , October 2012 Dear Friends- Carol and I want to share with you what is happening in our continuing “Mission to Ghana”. Recently, we returned after several weeks in Ghana. Suzanne Monnon joined us from Ontario Canada. We worshipped in Kpenoe, Takla, at Mawuko Girls School, Takla Tokor, attended a wedding, a…

  • Helen’s Halloween after “Sandy”

    This is an email from Helen sent when her power came on Friday. Not sure when i will be able to send this to you, as i have no internet service – nor telephone reception, nor electricity for that matter.  If you have watched the news, which, trust me, none of those most affected by…

  • All Saints message from Bishop Suda Davadhar

    November 1, 2012 My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ: Greetings in the precious name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. As we open our calendars to November, it indicates that we are observing “All Saints Day.” This is celebrated in most of our churches. Though there are many definitions of a “saint,” one…

  • “Sandy” got the Steeple Cross

  • October 28, 2012 Order of Worship

    Chilmark Community Church October 28, 2012 Prelude: Invention 7 J.S. Bach Gathering and Announcements Introit:  #328 “ Surely the Presence “ Call to Worship   Psalm 34:1-8 (19-22)   p.769 (no musical response) *Hymn  #117  “O God Our Help in Ages Past” Children’s Moment Confession  (unison)O Holy One, we call to you and name you as…

  • Carole and David Christiansen Return

    The mission this fall was a success.  David and Carole are home safe.

  • October 13, 2012 Charge Conference

  • September 30 Organ Concert

    After a beautiful dedication ceremony at morning worship, 7 Island organists showed off the new Russell Pipe Organ.  Stephen and Carole Russell were in the standing room only audience to hear the fabulous sounds.  Phil Dietterich was the morning speaker and the expert member of the Organ Committee.  Chilmark Church is indebted to him for…