Author: admin

  • Easter plus

    After the harp and the flutes, the scripture for the day and the hymns celebrating Easter, After the egg hunt, We celebrated Bob Conway’s thirty years of service to the Chilmark Community Church. The usual pick up soccer followed.      

  • “Walking by Faith!”

    “Walking by Faith!” Joshua 3:7-17 / Psalm 107:1-7, 33-37   When I was a high school student, I went on a Summer vacation with my friends. We went to a Mountain called Odaesan which was one of the most beautiful mountains in Korea. There were many valleys in the mountain and one of them seemed…

  • “What Image is in Your Heart!”

    “What Image is in Your Heart!” Matthew 22:15-22 // Matthew 22:34-40   Sometimes things happen. The things that push us back to our deepest questions and force us to answer. A marriage breakdown, loss of a job, financial strains, or physical pains, any of these can push us back to asking what it’s all about,…

  • Antique Post Cards of Church

    Kim Manter Cottrill sent these new post cards.

  • Clair Ganz joins Chilmark Community Church

    It was with great joy that the congregation welcomed Claire into our membership on Sunday, October 26.  Thank God for bringing her to us and bless her every day.

  • October 19,2014 Order of Worship

    Chilmark Community Church October 19,2014 Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost/Laity Sunday Laity Sunday is an invitation for the whole church to remember that all the baptized, lay and clergy together, are the people of God. Our English word “laity” comes from the Greek word “laos” meaning, “people.” That same word lies at the root of another…

  • Steeple and Cross Repair Completed

    Steeple repaired, scraped and painted.  No leaks!  Cross gilded and reattached to top of spire with new bracket.  Below are photographs of the cross being replaced. New base of cross. Steeple repaired, scraped and painted.  New wood on bell chamber and roof at base sealed.  Cross repaired and new bracket constructed to replace it on…

  • “Spirit Song a Triumph”

    Lia Kahler entertained a full house with her fabulous voice on Sunday, September 14.Also performing were her friends Phil Dietterich, organ, and Richard Gordon, piano. Phil played his original arrangements of two spirituals, Ride On King Jesus and There is a Balm in Gilead. Richard played a stirring piano concerto, Allegro de concierto por piano by Enrique…

  • Steeple and Cross Repairs begin

    September 8 at 7:30 Francis Allard and John Leecock arrived to begin work on steeple restoration.  Remember Lia Kahler’s concert “Spirit Song”  on Sunday at 3  to raise funds for this project. The riggers access the roof. Frank shows John the cross.  They will take it home with them for repairs. Francis Allard measures for…