Author: admin

  • Living With Abundance 8/2/15

    Living With Abundance Ecclesiastes 8: 8-16 Luke 12:13-21 Vicky Hanjian August 2, 2015 Well, this is a doozy of a parable – one that causes us to question “What did he mean by that?” This is Jesus – speaking to his disciples apart from the crowd of thousands who are literally trampling on one another…

  • 1854 A Folk Opera

    1854 is about and inspired by, the Vineyard mid-19th century abolitionist movement .  Friday, August 23, 2019 at 5 pm at Union Chapel.   See the links below to learn more.   Listen to sample here.  Beautiful!

  • WHEN YOU PRAY…July 26, 2015

    “When you pray….” Luke 11: 1-13 Chilmark Community Church July 26, 2015 Vicky Hanjian Jesus’ disciples said: “Lord, teach us to pray” – – and Jesus gave them a prayer that has sustained and nurtured human beings for 2000 years. It is so much a part of the fiber of our being that we take…

  • A Prayer for our church in summer

    Spirit of the Living God, be with our kaleidoscopic little church,.  We are many faceted and multi-shaped, with fragments that focus and focus again, always in different patterns as we turn to the light of Your Presence.  Help us to love those patterns and the turning, and to trust in the beauty of the wholeness…

  • Breaking the Cycle July 12,1015 by Vicky Hanjian

    Context for 2 Chronicles 28: 8-15 The history of the people called Israel is pretty splintered and tortuous. For generations they were a loose conglomeration of twelve different tribes descending from Jacob the patriarch of Jacob’s Ladder fame. The great King David managed to pull the 12 tribes of Israel together during his reign and…

  • Becoming Bread 7/5/15

    Becoming Bread1 John 6:48-59 Chilmark Community Church Rev. Vicky Hanjian July 5,2015 “I am the bread of life.” “I am the living bread.” Familiar words for sure. So familiar that we don’t often stop to ask ourselves “What did he mean by that?” This morning’s sermon will focus on a possible meaning – not the…

  • Seongmoon Ahn’s new address

    Parsonage 33 Morse Ave. East Bridgewater, MA 02333 Church East Bridgewater CMC 54 N Central St. East Bridgewater MA 02333

  • Rev. Kathleen Dorr to preach June 28

    Please come welcome Kathleen Dorr on Sunday, 28th.  The Rev. Kathleen Dorr, M.Div. has served the church and God’s people as an Episcopal priest for 20 years, most recently,  in the Diocese of Connecticut. She was ordained in the Diocese of Long Island and has served across the nation. Kathleen enjoys her rest and relaxation…

  • April 12 Rev. Arlene Bodge: new contact info

    Rev. Arlene preached on the 12th admonishing the congregation to rest on the Spirit in their upcoming time of transition.  She gave all sorts of parting advice and it was well received. Her off-island contact information is: Arlene Bodge, 303 Brooksby Drive, Unit 218, Peabody, MA 01960.  Her phone after May 1 will be 978-587-2699.