Author: admin
Prepare the Way of the Lord by Armen Hanjian
Prepare The Way of The Lord Perhaps some of you watched the coronation of Queen Elizabeth in the early fifties on TV. You may have missed this aspect of it – just before the service in Westminster Abbey, right after the congregation was seated, there suddenly appeared a whole squad of workers with brushes and…
And Why Do you Worry?
“And why do you worry…….? Matthew 6:24-34 Chilmark Community Church United Methodist Rev. Vicky Hanjian November 22, 2015 Way back in 1988, a simple song flooded the airways for a period of time – Bobby McFarrin’s – – “Don’t Worry, Be Happy”. Some days, just listening to it would lift my spirits. But on other…
Helen Stratford writes:
Keeping Time Sunday I was seated on a park bench, beneath the branches of an elm tree, playing the squeeze box. I had been sitting there for quite a while. It was that intermediary point between late afternoon and dusk. The amber street lamps ignited almost imperceptibly. Their soft glow accentuated the golden hues of…
“Harmonizing With Hannah” Chilmark Community Church United Methodist Church November 15, 2015 1 Samuel 1:4-20; 2:1-10 Rev. Vicky Hanjian Rev. Dawn Chesser, Director of Preaching Ministries for the United Methodist Church reminds us that there are many things to admire about Hannah. What she finds most compelling is Hannah’s audacity before God. “Hannah is frustrated…
A Grandmother’s Story November 8,2015
A Grandmother’s Story Ruth 3:1-5; 4:13-17 Chilmark Community Church United Methodist November 8, 2015 Rev. Vicky Hanjian I have come to love the story of Ruth as a story about one of my grandmothers. Indeed, I have met her in the lives of my actual grandmothers. So I wonder if we can imagine that kind…
“You Are Cordially Invited” Luke 14:12-24 Rev. Armen Hanjian Chilmark Community Church November 1, 2015 This will be a good sermon because I am dealing with an area in which I am quite an expert – that of making excuses. It would have been a great sermon – – but I was pretty busy this…
Bishop’s All Saints letter
Together in Christ Nov. 1, 2015 My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ: Greetings in the precious name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Today we observe and celebrate All Saints’ Day! Though we may each define saint differently, I think we can all agree that saints are change-agents or “balcony people.” “Balcony people”…
“Attending to The Margins” Mark 9:30 – 37 Chilmark Community Church October 18, 2015 Rev. Vicky Hanjian When I was a kid, I used to hate getting book reports and tests back from my teacher. There were always those annoying and sometimes downright upsetting little comments in the margins – – written in red ink…
Graceful Boundaries 10/11/15
GRACE-FULL BOUNDARIES 2 Kings 5:1-14 Luke 17:1-19 October 11, 2015 Chilmark Community Church Rev. Vicky Hanjian A few years ago, our son had the experience of a sudden and frightening plummet from robust health into being in a hospital bed while literally dozens of practitioners teamed up to try to figure out what was wrong.…