Author: admin
Released From Fears May 8, 2016
RELEASED FROM FEARS MICAH 4:1-4 1 JOHN 4:3-21 CHILMARK COMMUNITY CHURCH UNITED METHODIST MAY 8, 2016 REV. ARMEN HANJIAN Recently someone said, “Almost everyone I know is either lonely or afraid.” “Fear,” said Gilbert J. Chesterton, “is the greatest plague of mankind.” Medical dictionaries list more than 3,000 fears…
Promises, Promises Take II, May 1, 2016
“Promises, Promises – Take 2” John 14:15 – 29 Chilmark Community Church May 1, 2016 Rev. Vicky Hanjian This has been an emotionally strenuous week. On Thursday morning, my email contained a message from Rev. Amy Edwards. She is the pastor of the Federated Church in Edgartown. The email went to all the island clergy…
Promises, Promises April 25,2016
“Promises, Promises” Genesis 17:1-8 Revelation 21:1-7 Chilmark Community Church April 24, 2016 Rev. Vicky Hanjian There are lots of ways to name and classify the many books of the Bible. One that I use increasingly is the fact that the scriptures are a witness to a people’s relationship with God. From beginning to end –…
You Can’t Have This if you Want That 4/17/16
YOU CAN’T HAVE THIS IF YOU WANT THAT Luke 18:18-30 Chilmark Community Church April 17, 2016 Rev. Armen Hanjian When you respond to the various opportunities that come your way in life with “Yes. I’ll do it,” or “No, I don’t believe I’ll do that,” are you sure you are making the right decisions? Today’s…
Behind Locked Doors
“WHAT’S GOING ON HERE?” John 20:19 – 23 April 3, 2016 Chilmark Community Church Rev. Vicky Hanjian Last week’s Easter celebration ended on a note of joy and triumph. We read the story of Mary and Peter and another disciple discovering the empty tomb. We rejoiced with Mary as she realized that Jesus was still…
Prayer from April 3, 2016
Resurrecting God, as we enter the season of Eastertide, may your enduring Presence remind us of the tidal qualities of your love for us. May your love break upon us as water upon the shore, molding and shaping us. May it expose us to new sharpness of vision. May your grace beckon to us the…
The Transformed Life Easter, 2016
The Transformed Life Ecclesiastes 3:1-8; 12:7 (From Ecclesiastes Annotated and Explained by Rabbi Rami Shapiro) John 20:1-18 Easter March 27, 2016 Rev. Vicky Hanjian Chilmark Community Church Why are we here? Why do we celebrate? Why do we sing more energetically on this Sunday than on any other Sunday with the possible exception of Christmas? …
Jesus Leading the Way, March 20, 2016
JESUS LEADING THE WAY March 20, 2016 Chilmark Community Church Rev. Armen Hanjian MARK 10:32-34; 11:1-11(NEB) PALM SUNDAY In Mark we are told, “They were on the way, going up to Jerusalem. Jesus was going…
Where Oil and Water Mix
“Where Oil and Water Mix” Isaiah 43:16 – 21 John 12:1-8 Chilmark Community Church March 13, 2016 Rev. Vicky Hanjian When I first started contemplating the texts for today I thought there might be a way in which they are linked, although I couldn’t see the connection clearly. The Isaiah verses seemed to draw my…