Author: admin
Asleep on the Job 6/24/16
“Asleep On The Job” Mark 4:35-41 Chilmark Community Church June 26, 2012 Rev. Vicky Hanjian We had a dear niece and her son visiting with us this week. At breakfast on Thursday morning, Cynthia asked Armen if he woke up crabby. He quickly replied, “No – I just let her sleep in.” Jesus had been…
TUESDAY NIGHTS FROM 4:30-7 (OR WHILE SUPPLIES LAST) JUNE 21 -August 30 Generous Lobster Roll, chips and drink: $20 (The price of lobster has sky rocketed) Big, fresh baked cookies $1 (Remember Vineyard Sound performs at 8…a busy night in Chilmark) August 7, 2012
What are you doing here 6/19/16
“WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE….?” 1 Kings 19:1-15 June 19, 2016 Rev. Vicky Hanjian Chilmark Community Church It has been a horrifying and sad and difficult week. During worship last Sunday the news of the massacre in Orlando was fresh. We hardly knew what it meant or how severe it was. As happens, almost routinely…
Children’s Fair 2016
A Perfect Morning! Pony Rides are the favorite. Thank you Bob and Irene, Bella, Fran and Julie. The Bounce House is great too. Peter did snakes on arms and stars on faces. Everyone was happy. Little ones liked to dip for ducks.Cup Cakes to custom decorate… Kim kept the cupcakes coming and the frosting…
Pizza Nights Come to Close
Thank you, Julie Flanders, for another great season of Pizza Nights. Vicky and Armen also, thank you for setting up, helping clean up and salads and grace!! Here come Lobster Rolls.
You are the Salt of the Earth..6-12-16
YOU ARE THE SALT OF THE EARTH Matthew 5:1-13 June 12, 2016 Rev. Armen Hanjian Chilmark Community Church “You are the salt of the earth.” When Jesus said that, there were several obvious things to which he referred. Today, the implications of this vibrant sentence from the sermon on the mount are not quite so…
“City Gates and Thin Spaces” June 5, 2016
“City Gates and Thin Spaces” 1 KIngs 17:8-24 Luke 7:11-17 Chilmark Community Church June 5, 2015 Rev. Vicky Hanjian It doesn’t take a degree in Biblical Studies to see how freely the author of the gospel of Luke has drawn upon the story of Elijah and the widow of Zarephath. The similarities…
Blessing the Fleet Memorial Day Sunday
Photographs by Susan Heilbron. Tony Peak calls Menemsha to worship. Coast Guard Station Menemsha was represented. Carol Loud played the old portable key board among the coffee pots. Andy Goldman attentive from his electric car. Judy and a lot of others enjoyed the morning. Fresh from Fla. Rev. Armen Hanjian Rev.Vicky Hanjian on God calming…
“Thunder, Lightning, Wind and Fire” May 15
“Thunder, Lightning, Wind and Fire” Exodus 19:9-25 Acts 2:1-21 Chilmark Community Church May 15, 2016 Rev. Vicky Hanjian There is a lot of cosmic drama going on in the scriptures this morning. A mountain rumbles, wrapped in smoke, fire descends, the smoke rises like the smoke from a furnace – the mountain shakes. A …