Church Newsletter March 21, 2025
Dear Members and Friends,
Come join us for the Third Sunday in Lent, March 23rd at 9:00am, in person or Zoom, as we continue our Lenten Journey. Rev. Janet Stoddard is celebrating three full weeks in Chilmark and this will be her 4th Sunday. She will lead worship and we have two musicians sharing their talents with us this Sunday while Sean continues his paternity leave. We are joyful to once again have Georgia Halliday and Violet Southwick with us.
The Scriptures for this week are Psalm 63 and Luke 3:1-9 focusing on the passage from Luke which speaks of a fig tree and how the owner of the tree wanted it to be cut down due to its inability to bear fruit but was convinced by the worker tending the tree to give it one more chance. If you’ve ever needed another chance and wanted to be granted more time, this one’s for you. Are we good at waiting for God and is God good at waiting for us? Think about it.
Kairos Bible Study continues to meet weekly at 10:30AM on Wednesdays through April 9 at the First Church of West Tisbury. The group will focus on the stories of Mary Magdalene’s journey with Jeus as portrayed in the Gospels.
PIZZA NIGHTS–Tuesday @ 6pmJoin us for an informal community meal. We gather for pizza, with potluck salads, desserts and conversation followed by Bananagrams for those that are good with words and want to laugh. It is free and everyone is welcome. Help needed at 5:30 with dinner set up.
- Sunday March 23rd–Worship at 9 for the Third Sunday in Lent
- Tuesday March 25th at 6pm–Pizza Night
- Sunday April 13th–Palm Sunday
- Sunday April 20th–Easter–Sunrise at 5:45 am at Menemsha Beach parking lot
- Easter Service at 9am at the church
Invitation for Worship Service
Sunday March 23, 2025
Chilmark Community Church’s Personal Meeting Room
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