Dear Members and Friends,
Sunday Morning Worship
Join us for the Second Sunday in Lent on March 16th at 9:00 AM, either in person or on Zoom, as we continue our Lenten journey.
Rev. Janet Stoddard is settling in and enjoying plenty of walks with her dog, Toby. She will lead our worship this Sunday, and in Sean’s absence, we are grateful to have Georgia Halliday and Violet Southwick sharing their musical talents with us.
This week’s scriptures include Psalm 27, Philippians 3:17–4:1, and Luke 13:31–35. Rev. Janet will reflect on how we can live a life that imitates Christ, focusing on the passage from Philippians.
A worship order is attached. Sunday School will take place during the service. The Zoom link is provided below. Picture: Toby doing some office work.

Wonderful News!
Katie and Sean McMahon welcomed a beautiful baby boy into the world on Monday, March 10th! 💙
Welcome to this world, Angus!

Roof and Solar Panels
At our meeting on Sunday, March 2, the church unanimously voted to move forward with Phase 2 of our project! This week, a new Parsonage roof was installed, and in the future, solar panels will be added to help offset electric utility costs for our church buildings.
Lenten Bible Study with Rev. Vicky
Kairos Bible Study meets Wednesdays at 10:30 AM through April 9 at First Church of West Tisbury. This series will explore Mary Magdalene’s journey with Jesus as portrayed in the Gospels. Additionally, materials from the Gospels of Mary, Thomas, and Philip—which are not included in the New Testament—will also be reviewed.
All are welcome! For more information, contact Rev. Vicky Hanjian at 508-696-8225.
Pizza Night – Tuesdays at 6 PM! 🍕
Join us for Pizza Night at the Church—a relaxed, welcoming gathering for the whole community! Enjoy delicious pizza, potluck salads, and desserts, along with great conversation.
After dinner, those who’d like to play can join in for a fun game of Bananagrams! 🧩
📅 When: Tuesdays at 6 PM
📍 Where: [Church Name]
💛 Free & open to all!
Help needed at 5:30 PM for dinner setup—many hands make light work!
Come for the food, stay for the fellowship! We’d love to see you there. 😊
Lookin Forward
- Sunday March 16th – Second Sunday in Lent worship
- Tuesday March 18th 6pm – Pizza Night
- Sunday April 20th – Easter Sunday
Invitation for Worship Service
Sunday March 16, 2025
Chilmark Community Church’s Personal Meeting Room
Join our Zoom Meeting by tapping the underlined address below
Meeting ID: 890 298 4151
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