Dear Members and Friends,
Come join us for the First Sunday after Christmas December 29th at 9:00am, in person or Zoom. Rev. Charlotte will lead worship with Music Minister Sean McMahon. This will be a special Family Worship post-Christmas service with Story and a Carol Sing plus Blessing of the CWS Blankets of Love. Come join us to play “Name the Christmas Carol” and sing the songs one last time before they are packed away for another year. There will be no Sunday School so we will all be together. Worship order attached. Zoom link below. YES, there is heat!

On Tuesday we held our traditional Lessons and Carols Service. Rev. Charlotte led along with beautiful cello/guitar music by Violet Southwick and Sean McMahon. The service included the singing of Christmas carols, reading the scripture story of Jesus’ birth, and passing the light from the Christ Candle to those gathered. With over 80 friends and family we became the “Light of the World” and our lit candles symbolized the hope we find in Christ’s light that breaks through the darkness. Read more about it here.
DECEMBER PROJECT- CWS Blankets of Love Ministry
During December the Chilmark Church participated in the Church World Service (CWS) Blanket ministry.We were a part of a broad-reaching mission that provided our neighbors experiencing poverty, displacement or disaster with a warm blanket to comfort them in their time of need. Join with us this Sunday as we bless our blanket collection – over 23 blankets so far! Photos: CWS Blankets prepared for distribution.

OFFERING OF MUSIC AND LIGHT Sunday January 5 at 5pm
Island artists and musicians join together to brighten the darker days of winter.
Sean McMahon, Adele Dreyer, Missis Biskis, Daniel Waters, Thursday Strings, Loon Lane Players, storytellers, poets and other guests.
Music, Candle Lighting, Reception, Free, All are Welcome! Help needed with baking and finger food reception. Claire will make soup!
- Sunday December 29th 9am – Family Worship Christmas Story and Carol Sing plus Blessing of the CWS Blankets
- Sunday January 5th 9am – Epiphany as we welcome the Wise Ones
- Sunday January 5th – Offering of Music and Light 5pm
- Sunday January 12th 9am – Special Guest Preacher Sean McMahon
Invitation for Worship Service
Sunday December 29, 2024
Chilmark Community Church’s Personal Meeting Room
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