Advent 4, Christmas Eve and Beyond
Dear Members and Friends-
Come join us for the Fourth Sunday of Advent December 22nd at 9:00am, in person or Zoom. Rev. Charlotte will lead worship with Music Minister Sean McMahon. The message will be Mary’s Song based on Luke 1:46-55. While we sometimes think of Christmas time as making some things in our families, circle of friends and church right again, Mary’s song suggests Christmas actually turns the whole world upside down. The world about which she sings in the Luke text is, indeed, a world turned on its head. Worship order attached. Sunday School. Zoom link below.
British Church Mice Creche.

This Sunday we welcome Calum McQueen Hart, son of Laura and Sam Hart, into our Chilmark Church family through baptism. Please join with the family and the church on this special Sunday. A reception will follow at the Hart home 275 Lighthouse Rd., Aquinnah. Invitation attached.
Tuesday December 24th at 5pm is the traditional Lessons and Carols Service. Rev. Charlotte will be leading worship along with special music – Violet Southwick along with Sean McMahon. The Christmas Eve service is a time when people gather to celebrate the birth of Jesus. The service includes the singing of Christmas carols, hearing the scripture story of Jesus’ birth, and passing the light from the Christ Candle to those gathered. In the Christian faith, light symbolizes Jesus Christ as the “Light of the World” and on Christmas Eve we light candles that symbolize the hope we find in Jesus’ birth.
All are welcome!
Last Sunday was a huge success! Marie was in charge of the church table, organizing shifts, signing up bakers, setting up and taking down tables. Claire was so generous with greenery. Ten people made over 35 centerpieces and swags. So many helpers….too many to name. The church community came together to plan, advertise, execute and deliver an event that included workers of all ages, church members and friends alike. It was about working together as much as it was about the bottom line…..and the church raised over $1700 from the greens, baked goods, “treasure” table and vendor rental fees. What a fun, festive, community spirit filled day it was. Thanks to Emily and Annette for leading the way and pulling all the pieces together, the talented vendors, the countless volunteers, and the Community Center for a wonderful Christmas Flea 2024. Centerpiece by Heather.

During December the Chilmark Church is participating in the Church World Service (CWS) Blanket ministry.It is an easy way to be a part of a broad-reaching mission to provide our neighbors that are experiencing poverty, displacement or disaster with a warm blanket to comfort them in their time of need. Join other generous donors and provide comfort and warmth to our neighbors in need.For example: $10 = CWS blanket, $30 = Three CWS blankets (2 wool and 1 fleece), $60 = Blanket bundle! 3 wool and 3 fleece. Make checks out to CWS and envelopes available in church.
- Sunday December 22nd – Fourth Sunday of Advent
- Sunday December 22nd – Baptism Calum Hart, son of Sam and Laura Hart
- Tuesday December 24th @ 5pm – Christmas Eve Lessons and Carols
- Sunday December 29th – Family Worship Christmas Storytime and Carol Sing plus Blessing of the CWS Blankets
- Sunday January 5th – Offering of Music and Light 5pm
Invitation for Worship Service
Sunday December 22, 2024
Chilmark Community Church’s Personal Meeting Room
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