Dear Members and Friends,
Come join us for worship Sunday October 27th at 9:00am, in person or Zoom. Sean McMahon will be double billed as worship leader AND music minister. Worship order attached. Sunday School after the first hymn. Zoom link below. Rev. Charlotte will be away this week visiting her parents.

Last Sunday the Cape Light Compact energy efficiency proposal was approved unanimously by the congregation. The entire cost of efficiency upgrades and installing heat pump systems in the Church, Hall and Parsonage will be covered 100% through the Cape Light Compact/Mass Save incentive programs for non-profits/ houses of worship. RISE Engineering, with project leader Alexander Dwyer, will install ASHP (heat/AC pumps) with ventilation (new since COVID), new vents and ductwork, removal of oil and propane systems, and insulation upgrades to all 3 buildings. They plan to start work November 4th and complete in 4 weeks – with minimal disruption to the church. A great Christmas present! We will keep everyone updated on this important work.
34th Annual MV CROP Hunger Walk!
Last Sunday walkers stepped off at St. Augustine’s Church VH to trek to the Lagoon Bridge and back with cheering and the MVRHS Pep Band leading the way! Our Walk Day was a resounding success with 125+ walkers of all ages, many dogs, and $31,323 already raised. With a beautiful day of sunshine and low wind, everyone who turned out had a blast for a great cause – fighting hunger one step at a time. Thank you to all who participated. Chilmark Church has raised $1780 so far to end hunger locally and globally. Still time to donate to CWS, c/o Chilmark Church, 9 Menemsha Xrd, Chilmark MA 02535, or QR code below. We believe that our Shirley takes the “oldest walker” prize!

Help build our Jack-o-lantern display for Halloween. Carve away on Tuesday October 29th 4:30-5:30pm. Stay for Pizza Night. Bring and carve 2 pumpkins and leave one to light up our front porch. All ages and skill levels are welcome. Chilmark Community Halloween Trick or Treat set up Thursday October 31 at 5pm in front of church.
Pizza Night Tuesday @ 6pm
Pizza Night at the Church is an informal meal where the community at large can gather for camaraderie and food. It starts at 6pm with pizza, potluck salads, desserts and conversation followed by Bananagrams. It’s free and all are welcome. Help needed at 5:30 with set up.
Neighborhood Convention 130th Anniversary
Federated Church will host a special meeting of the Neighborhood Convention on Tuesday, November 12, at 11:00 a.m., the 130th anniversary of the founding of the coalition, which came about when Island clergy decided that discord between denominations needed to be addressed and defeated. In the years that followed, Neighborhood Convention became an interfaith organization promoting cooperation between Island houses of faith, presenting and supporting groups which contribute to the betterment of all. This will be the only business/program meeting this year. In December, we will feature the annual visit of the Minnesingers to OB UMC Trinity Church, celebrating our long-standing support of the group. Volunteers are needed to provide sandwiches, savories, sweets, and setup and cleanup. Please contact Mary-Jean Miner, or 508-221-8703.
- Sunday October 27th – Guest Minister Sean McMahon
- Tuesday October 29th – Pumpkin Carving 4:30-5:30pm
- Thursday October 31st – Halloween set up 5pm
- Sunday November 3rd – Clocks Fall Back
- Tuesday November 12th – Neighborhood Convention Anniversary 11am at Federated Church
- Sunday November 24th – Special Musical Guests Molly and Mark
- Tuesday November 26th – Final Fall Community Meal 6pm. Tom and Janet cooking!
Invitation for Worship Service
Sunday October 27, 2024
Chilmark Community Church’s Personal Meeting Room
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